[bestbits] Blockchain SIG's Contribution to the ITU OTT Consultation

Judith Hellerstein judith at jhellerstein.com
Wed Aug 30 10:43:49 EDT 2017

HI All,

Blockchain SIG has sent a contribution to the ITU OTT Consultation
It's now published here

Judith Hellerstein

Judith Hellerstein, Founder & CEO
Hellerstein & Associates
3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington DC 20008
Phone: (202) 362-5139  Skype ID: judithhellerstein
Mobile/Whats app: +1202-333-6517
E-mail: Judith at jhellerstein.com   Website: www.jhellerstein.com
Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/jhellerstein/
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