[bestbits] ITU extended OTT consultation period

Raman Jit Singh Chima raman at accessnow.org
Mon Aug 28 15:07:43 EDT 2017

To follow up on Javier's earlier message:

A strong +1 to our colleagues flagging the importance of following this and
engaging with the ITU-CWG's consultation on the topic.

Our policy paper on the subject of the OTT debate and digital rights is now
publicly available. Visit
for our blogpost summarising our larger policy paper and our ITU
submission. Our policy paper itself can be accessed at
https://www.accessnow.org/ott-digital-rights, and we hope it is useful for
civil society engaging with this issue at the ITU and elsewhere.

I second Richard's suggestion of civil society organisations who plan to
attend the September 19 open meeting at ITU HQ in Geneva coordinating.
Perhaps organisations, civil society experts planning to be there could
indicate if they'll be there, and we can then take that off on to another
thread to coordinate a call.


On 28 August 2017 at 23:41, Mehwish Ansari <mehwish at article19.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just picking up this thread as a reminder that the deadline for submitting
> responses to the ITU's open consultation on OTTs
> <http://www.itu.int/en/council/cwg-internet/Pages/consultation-june2017.aspx>
> is *tomorrow *(by midnight CEST). This consultation will see a lot of
> interest from telecom service providers and network operators, so it's
> especially important to make sure that public interest perspectives are
> clearly represented. You can find ARTICLE 19's submission here
> <http://www.itu.int/en/Lists/consultationJune2017/Attachments/51//CWG-Internet%20Submission%20on%20Public%20Policy%20Considerations%20of%20OTTs%20-%20ARTICLE%2019.pdf>.
> Best,
> Mehwish
> On 8/24/2017 7:06 AM, Richard Wingfield wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Thanks for starting thus thread, Gus. Really great to see such excellent
> submissions from Public Knowledge/IDEC and Access Now. Thanks for sharing.
> It's so important that civil society's voice is heard, especially in such a
> closed forum like the ITU. We also think that the debate on OTT is only
> going to continue (especially at the ITU where it's popping up in a number
> of Study Groups) so awareness-raising, like through this email thread, is
> crucial.
> GPD has also made a submission to the consultation, which can be found
> here
> <http://www.itu.int/en/Lists/consultationJune2017/Attachments/28//ITU%20CWG-Internet%20Consultation%20on%20OTT.pdf>.
> I'll actually be in Geneva for the physical open meeting on 19 September on
> behalf of GPD. If anyone else is attending, perhaps we could co-ordinate by
> a conference call or meeting the evening before?
> Thanks,
> Richard
> *Richard Wingfield*
> Second Home, 68 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
> T: +44 (0)203 818 3258 | Skype: richard at gp-digital.org
> gp-digital.org
> On 22 August 2017 at 13:37, Javier Pallero <javier at accessnow.org> wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> Thanks Gus for letting us know about the extension.
>> Access Now has also filed a document and we are preparing a position
>> paper that will be published later today or tomorrow.
>> I totally agree with Gus about the importance of this issue. Sectors with
>> very specific interests (namely governments and the private sector) will
>> use the OTT rethorics to advance Internet regulation in good and bad ways.
>> We need to stay vigilant.
>> Have a great week,
>> ---
>> *Javier Pallero*
>> Policy Analyst / Analista de Politicas
>> Access Now | accessnow.org
>> PGP 0xEBFD028A
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>> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 6:33 PM, Renata Aquino Ribeiro <raquino at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> The morning of Caribbean IGF included the topic OTT
>>> Presentations
>>> https://livestream.com/internetsociety2/cigf2017/videos/161623242
>>> Q & A
>>> https://livestream.com/internetsociety2/cigf2017/videos/161625904
>>> In the chat it was quite a lively discussion. Mainly about net
>>> neutrality threats.
>>> Best,
>>> Renata
>>> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 6:14 PM, Nick Ashton-Hart <nashton at consensus.pro
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Dear Gus and all,
>>>> You're right, this debate will get bigger, and many others will too
>>>> leading up to and at Plenipotentiary.
>>>> ---
>>>> Sent from VMware Boxer
>>>> On 21 August 2017 at 20:42:29 GMT+2, Gus Rossi <gus at publicknowledge.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>> Just wanted to flag that the ITU extended the deadline for
>>>> contributions on their OTT consultation: http://www.itu.i
>>>> nt/en/council/cwg-internet/Pages/consultation-june2017.aspx
>>>> PK, together with IDEC
>>>> <http://www.itu.int/en/council/cwg-internet/Pages/display-June2017.aspx?ListItemID=47>
>>>> from Brazil, and other organizations
>>>> <http://www.itu.int/en/council/cwg-internet/Pages/consultation-june2017.aspx>
>>>> member of bestbits, submitted comments. But overall, so far less than 10
>>>> civil society organizations from around the world have made comments (and
>>>> that is including every organization from all countries, including
>>>> autocracies).
>>>> I have the impression that the OTT debate is only going to get bigger
>>>> from now to plenipot, as it is already big at the national level,
>>>> especially in the global south.
>>>> We are happy to talk more about this issue with all.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Gus
>>>> ----
>>>> # # #
>>>> # • #
>>>> # #
>>>> * Gus Rossi*
>>>> Global Policy Director (202) 861-0020 (x123) | (202) 651 1337
>>>> <%28202%29%651-1337> (mobile) | @agustinrs
>>>> <https://twitter.com/agustinrs>
>>>> *Public Knowledge* | @publicknowledge
>>>> <https://twitter.com/publicknowledge> | www.publicknowledge.org
>>>> 1818 N St. NW, Suite 410 | Washington, DC 20036 | CFC 12259
>>>> *The IP3 Awards are September 28th!* RSVP at
>>>> publicknowledge.org/IP32017.
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> --
> Mehwish Ansari
> Digital Programme
> ARTICLE 19www.article19.org
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*Raman Jit Singh Chima*
Policy Director
Access Now | accessnow.org

Email: raman at accessnow.org
Skype: raman.chima
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