[bestbits] Google | Faculty Research Awards

Becky Lentz roberta.lentz at mcgill.ca
Tue Aug 8 18:12:24 EDT 2017

This may be of interest to some Best Bits membersŠ
Google | Faculty Research Awards
Sponsor Full Application Deadline: Saturday, September 30, 2017 (11:59 p.m.
PDT = 2:59 a.m. EDT on Sunday, September 31)OSR internal deadline with
mandatory OSR checklist: Monday, September 25, 2017, 10:00 a.m.
Objective:The Faculty Research Awards Program, sometimes referred to as the
Research Awards Program, supports academic research in computer science,
engineering, and related fields. Through the program, Google funds
world-class research at top universities, facilitate interaction between
Google and academia, and support projects whose output will be made openly
available to the research community. Awards are structured as unrestricted
gifts to universities and are designed to support roughly the cost of one
graduate student for one year of work.
Value and Duration:Most awards are in the 40,000-70,000 USD range.
The maximum amount a Principal Investigator can request is 150,000 USD.
Faculty Research Awards generally support basic expenses for one student for
one year, so budgets are frequently reduced to this level of support. If two
universities are involved, we may support one student at each
school.Indirect costs, administrative costs, and overhead should not be
included in the budget. It is Google¹s policy not to pay for overhead on
unrestricted gifts.
Eligibility:Each Principal Investigator and co-PI (if applicable) on a
proposal must be a permanent faculty at a university or a degree-granting
research institution. Assistant professors, associate professors, and full
professors are encouraged to apply. There are no limits on the number of
proposals that can be submitted by different Principal Investigators (or
co-Principal Investigators) from the same university.
Additional Information:Success rate is approximately 15%. Decisions will be
announced approximately 4 months after the submission deadline. Decisions
will be communicated to the primary Principal Investigator listed on each
proposal as well as announced on the Google Research blog.

For more details, please see FAQ
aculty-research-awards>  and Proposal Advice

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