[bestbits] [antivigilancia] FB Exec detained -- access to govt data?

Carlos Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Wed Mar 2 11:58:09 EST 2016

He is free now on "habeas corpus". My excuses as a Brazilian regarding
the horrible, Middle-Ages way the Brazilian police transports its
inmates -- usually in the luggage trunk, or in containers as if all were
extraterrestrial terrorists or cattle.

Brazil has advanced a lot, Marco Civil is a witness to this progress
regading defense of citizen's' rights, but there are at least two main
vulnerabilities we have to deal with for Brazil to become a bit more

- The prehistoric style in which it treats its prisoners and suspects,
even without charge in the case of the poor; this is a post-slavery
("post" here is relative) society dominated by a pro-slavery, extremely
racist elite. Luckily for him, Diego Jorge Dzodan is white upper-class,
but this did not preclude the prehistoric Brazilian police from
transporting him like cattle to his release.

- The low priority all Brazilian governments (particularly state and
municipal governments) have given to public sanitation; our
vulnerability to epidemics like zika is at pair with any other
underdevolped country (for a country which is a leading exporter of
state-of-the-art airplanes for one thing, mind you), and this needs a
massive war-style operation to change.

fraternal regards


On 3/2/16 07:02, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/tec/2016/03/1745230-apesar-de-problemas-judiciais-whatsapp-diz-que-nao-vai-mudar.shtml
> On Mar 1, 2016 3:47 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-3471327/Facebooks-Latin-American-boss-arrested-Brazil.html
>> São as mesmas informações circulando por enquanto.
>> On Mar 1, 2016 3:26 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Não muita coisa ainda, David querido...  :(
>>> http://www.bbc.com/portuguese/noticias/2016/03/160225_prisao_facebook_sp_if
>>> On Mar 1, 2016 3:13 PM, "David Bogado" <davidbogado at eff.org> wrote:
>>>> Achei este material no G1, vocês tem mais informações?
>>>> http://g1.globo.com/sao-paulo/noticia/2016/03/policia-prende-representante-do-facebook-na-america-do-sul-em-sp.html
>>>> Em nota, a assessoria de imprensa do Facebook no Brasil disse que a
>>>> medida é extrema e desproporcional. "Estamos desapontados com a medida
>>>> extrema e desproporcional de ter um executivo do Facebook escoltado até a
>>>> delegacia devido a um caso envolvendo o WhatsApp, que opera separadamente
>>>> do Facebook. O Facebook sempre esteve e sempre estará disponível para
>>>> responder às questões que as autoridades brasileiras possam ter", diz
>>>> porta-voz do Facebook.
>>>> El 1 de marzo de 2016 14:50:54 GMT-03:00, Katitza Rodriguez <
>>>> katitza at eff.org> escribió:
>>>>> Caros, Você está seguindo as notícias sobre um exec FB no Brasil sendo
>>>>> presos / detidos hoje em resposta à incapacidade da empresa para
>>>>> fornecer os dados do usuário no caso de drogas? alguém pode lançar mais
>>>>> luz para mim.
>>>> Sent from Phone. Please, please, excuse my brevity.
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Carlos A. Afonso
Instituto Nupef - https://nupef.org.br
CGI.br - http://cgi.br

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