[bestbits] Fwd: Citizen Lab Fellowship Opps

Lea Kaspar lea at gp-digital.org
Sun Mar 13 06:32:28 EDT 2016

Hi all,

See below info about several really great fellowship opportunities at
Citizen Lab. Feel free to share widely!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ronald Deibert <r.deibert at utoronto.ca>
Date: Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 3:46 PM
Subject: Citizen Lab Fellowship Opps

We have three really exciting fellowship opportunities for students and
visiting researchers to come spend time at the Citizen Lab at the
University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs.  All of them are now
open for application, and all of them have very generous compensation --
two of them even include really useful travel support funds.

Details are here:

and I've pasted short descriptions below.

If you know of anyone that fits the bill, please feel free to forward them

All the best

*Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellowship*
Description: The Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellowship is an international
leadership initiative that brings together the best emerging technology
talent and research and civil society organizations to protect the open Web.

Compensation and Duration:  The selected fellow will spend 10 months at the
Citizen Lab starting in September 2016. The fellowship offers a grant of
USD 60,000 paid in 10 monthly instalments. The fellowship also offers other
benefits and opportunities detailed on the Mozilla fellowship website

Who we are looking for: The Open Web Fellow can come from a range of
backgrounds including software development, DevOps, security research, data
science, and visualization. Experience and interest in networks and
information security (e.g, cryptography, network measurement, penetration
testing, reverse engineering, malware analysis, etc.) is of
particular relevance to our projects, but is not necessarily required.
Individuals who don’t have direct experience in our research areas but have
solid backgrounds in networking, systems, information design, or data
analytics and visualization can learn more about our subject matter as they
progress through the fellowship with us.

Applications must be made on the Mozilla fellowship website
<https://advocacy.mozilla.org/open-web-fellows/>. by 11:59pm PST March 20,

*Open Technology Fund Information Controls Fellowship*
Description: The Information Controls Fellowship Program cultivates
research, knowledge, and creative collaboration at different institutions
and across disciplines on the topic of information controls. Specifically,
the fellowship supports examination into how governments in regions or
areas of OTF’s core focus (e.g., Africa, Asia, Middle East, and North
Africa) are restricting the free flow of information, debilitating the open
Internet, and are thereby threatening human rights and democracy.

Compensation and Duration: The Fellowship offers senior and seasonal

Senior fellowships are for six month or one year and are usually offered to
postdoctoral, doctoral students or experienced researchers with
demonstrated ability and expertise.

Senior fellows are given a monthly stipend of USD 4,200 per month, as well
as a travel stipend of USD 2,500 or USD 5,000 depending on the length.

The seasonal fellowship is for three months usually offered to students
and/or junior practitioners. Seasonal fellows are awarded monthly stipends
of USD 2,500.

Who we are looking for: Applications are open to people from a variety of
backgrounds and disciplines and can include students, and junior to
mid-career practitioners. While individuals with diverse and unlikely
backgrounds are encouraged to apply, likely candidates have experience as
computer scientists, engineers, information security researchers, software
developers, social scientists (e.g., comparative politics; international
security), lawyers and law students, data visualization designers, and

For descriptions of what the first round of fellows at Citizen Lab and
other host organizations accomplished please see this OTF blog post

Applications must be made by 11:59 PM (GMT-5) on March 25, 2016 using the OTF
website <https://www.opentech.fund/requests/icfp>

*Google Policy Fellowship*
Description: The Google Policy Fellowship program offers undergraduate,
graduate, and law students interested in Internet and technology policy the
opportunity to spend the summer contributing to the public dialogue on
these issues, and exploring future academic and professional interests.

Compensation and Duration: Fellows will work at the Citizen Lab for three
months over the summer of 2016. Exact dates are determined together with
the fellow and the host organization.  Fellows will receive a stipend of
$7,500 USD.

Who we are looking for: Applications are only open to current university
students (undergraduate or graduate). Each year we tailor the Google Policy
Fellowship to the individual fellow to match his/her interests and
strengths with current projects at the Citizen Lab. In general, we are open
to students from a range of backgrounds including law, policy, social
sciences (e.g, political science, sociology, international relations, area
studies etc), and computer science.

Applications must be made on the Google Policy Fellowship website by March
25 2016. Please note the Google Policy Fellowship’s website is in the
process of being updated.

*Fellowship Project Areas*
In all of the 2016 Citizen Lab fellowship opportunities we are looking for
individuals who are interested in contributing to our main research
priorities listed below.

*Measuring Internet filtering and network interference*
This area includes developing new tools and methods for network
measurement, analyzing Internet filtering systems, and correlating network
interference with political events (e.g., elections, protests, conflicts,
etc), as well as undertaking comparative studies of national-level
information controls.

*Targeted malware attacks against civil society*
This area focuses on investigating politically motivated targeted malware
campaigns against civil society groups. Specifically, this area includes
methods such as reverse engineering malware, mapping attack infrastructure,
tracking malware development, and linking contextual information to
technical data.

*Privacy and security of apps and social media*
Projects in this area include uncovering censorship and surveillance in
popular apps and social media platforms (e.g, chat apps, microblogs, etc),
and evaluating the privacy and security of popular consumer apps (e.g.,
browsers, fitness trackers, etc). We are particularly interested in widely
used apps and platforms that are understudied by security researchers. The
goal of this work is to help users make more informed decision about the
technologies they use.

*Corporate and public transparency*
Projects in this area include developing software platforms for empowering
citizens to exercise their rights to data protection and access requests,
and analyzing the systems, policies, and practices of telecommunication and
Internet companies around collecting, handling and sharing user data (e.g.,
lawful intercept and SIGINT). We are also interested in exploring
the impact of the Snowden disclosures on SIGINT practices, and the norms
governing intelligence sharing among the FVEYs.

Please note the individual fellowship websites each have further
administrative details. All administration of the application processes is
handled by the respective sponsor of the fellowship program. If you have
further questions that are not answered by the fellowship websites please
contact us at info[at]citizenlab.org with the subject line “Fellowship [OTF
/ Google / Mozilla]”.

Ronald Deibert
Director, the Citizen Lab
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
(416) 946-8916
PGP: http://deibert.citizenlab.org/pubkey.txt
r.deibert at utoronto.ca
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