[bestbits] Brief update on MAG meeting on IGF retreat

Jac sm Kee jac at apcwomen.org
Fri Jun 3 13:54:02 EDT 2016

Hi all,

> have a quick question: whose recommendations are these? I would love
instead to hear what DESA has to say about the issues raised (hopefully
by MAG members or participants to the call).
JK: Recommendations from everyone at the call. Ranging from some MAG
members, and some ex-MAG who were given the floor to speak at chair's

Parminder, as Renata mentioned, it's presented as a UNDESA event - so
Wai Min and Denis (sp?) was there from DESA responding to questions.

Main gist:
- Participatory was a key word: for both inputs and outputs
- They'll look into remote participation, at least partially, as this
was seen to be a priority
- It's currently looked to be a one-off event
- The methodology is still being shaped, but being seen as really a
small group strategising/brainstorming event (so the emphasis around
this being a more start to a proper strategy than an actual strategy to
be implemented by MAG participants to the call was strong on this)

Other MAG members here may also have more info which I may have missed
out on. But this is as far as I remember. Transcripts are of course
available as well on the IGF site if you're interested in more specific
responses from DESA and the secretariat.


Jac sm Kee
Manager, Women's Rights Programme
Association for Progressive Communications
www.apc.org | www.takebackthetech.net | erotics.apc.org
Jitsi: jacsmk | Skype: jacsmk | Twitter: @jhybe

On 02/06/2016 16:32, parminder wrote:
> Thanks Jac
> Do we know if it is strictly a UNDESA owned, funded and run event, or is
> it co-funded? Are there any other principals here than UNDESA? Or is it
> really a fully UN event, like UN agencies do hold once in a while? The
> fact that they are not using UN facilities in NY but are meeting outside
> does partly fuel my stated curiosity. thanks, parminder
> On Thursday 02 June 2016 01:21 PM, Jac sm Kee wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Sharing a brief update from the MAG meeting discussing the retreat last
>> night.
>> The concerns around short timeline, problematics around representation
>> and participation, interest in knowing about content as well as outputs
>> of the process, broad participation were raised also in the meeting.
>> Some suggestions were put forth to address some of this, in summary:
>> * That the retreat not be seen as something that makes decisions, but
>> rather the start of articulating the process for a strategic plan. So
>> part of the "journey" of IGF improvements that has begun many years ago,
>> with the opportunity of a 10 year mandate
>> * That an open process be provided for inputs to shape the agenda
>> (including e.g. CSTD recommednaitons, WSIS + 10 doc)
>> * Remote participation in some way is important to promote transparency
>> and participation, and the need to balance this against smaller space
>> for brainstorming work as forwarded by some (live tweeting, remote
>> participation at some point every day)
>> * That outputs be open for comments and inputs by everyone
>> * That there be clarity around what happens next with these outputs -
>> roles and responsibilities
>> * And that recommendations and suggestions on how to make the retreat
>> work is open for consultation and inputs
>> I think that's it. May have missed out on some, but hope this gives a
>> gist of the conversation. Also happy to bring any further thoughts or
>> recommendations to the MAG space.
>> j
>> ---------------------------------
>> Jac sm Kee
>> Manager, Women's Rights Programme
>> Association for Progressive Communications
>> www.apc.org | www.takebackthetech.net | erotics.apc.org
>> Jitsi: jacsmk | Skype: jacsmk | Twitter: @jhybe
>> On 01/06/2016 18:23, Nicolás Echániz wrote:
>>> On 06/01/2016 07:03 AM, Chat Garcia Ramilo wrote:
>>>> Therefore, I'd like to encourage you all to send us your nominees. If
>>>> you have other issues to raise please share them as well.
>>> One issue, that maybe is a bit late to raise by now is that doing this
>>> meeting in the USA is a poor choice. The visa process is difficult, time
>>> consuming and expensive to people in many countries.
>>> This in combination with the short notice and lack of preliminary
>>> discussion... is a bad combination.
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