[bestbits] Guccifer 2.0 DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Sat Jun 18 15:32:15 EDT 2016

Dear Suresh,

many thanks for your very fast answer.

In this text from vocativ at the end i found:
"He (Jeffrey Carr, CEO of cybersecurity firm Taia Global) did, however, 
caution against CrowdStrike’s original analysis, stressing the enormous 
difficulty of definitively attributing any sophisticated cyberattack. 
“I’m skeptical almost all the time when it comes to attribution,” he 
said. “I think the entire historical assignment of 
[government-affiliated] actors…was just wrong. That they were never part 
of an intelligence service or military service in the Russian 
government, that they were always independent hackers, and we don’t 
really know who they are.”"

This is also my view and experience. The highest power in the using of 
technology we find outside of the state institutions.

Buy what you think. You are thankful for this and any other leaks?

many greetings, willi
Manaus, Brasil

Am 18/06/2016 um 16:08 schrieb Suresh Ramasubramanian:
> On 19-Jun-2016, at 12:17 AM, willi uebelherr <willi.uebelherr at riseup.net> wrote:
>> also in the ISOC we discuss about security in the "Internet". But also we know, with the leaks in any forms from any persons and group we only get the inside view to the truth. And, how we want solve this contradiction?
>> Guccifer 2.0 DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker
>> https://guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/dnc/
> It does help to read other stories about this.  A lot of this doesn’t quite add up.
> There are some interesting breadcrumbs but attribution is a very chancy thing.
> http://www.vocativ.com/330201/guccifer-2-0-hacker/

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