[bestbits] Fw: Civil Society MAG 2016 endorsements and recommendations

Nadira Alaraj nadira.araj at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 17:01:31 EST 2016

I join you De for wishing the nominee the best to follow,

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Deirdre Williams <williams.deirdre at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Congratulations Julian, Renata, Norbert and Rasha and best wishes for the
> future.
> Deirdre
> On 1 February 2016 at 05:15, Nadira Alaraj <nadira.araj at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Best Bits members,
>> I'm pleased to pass to you below the nominations and recommendations of
>> the CSCG nominating committee with regards to the civil society
>> representation on MAG 2016.
>> The CSCG Nomcom is co-chaired by Ginger (Virginia) Paque and Ian Peter,
>> and the team composed of
>> ​Nadira Alaraj (Best Bits),
>> Analia Aspis (Internet Governance Caucus),
>> Robin Gross (Non Commercial Stakeholders Group, ICANN),
>> Chat Garcia Ramilo (Association for Progressive Communications), and
>> Parminder Jeet Singh (Just Net Coalition).
>> Hoping the CSCG nomcom recommendations would be considered for the
>> enhancement of selection for the civil society representations on MAG.
>> Best wishes,
>> Nadira Alaraj
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>
>> Date: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 10:14 AM
>> Subject: [cs-coord] Fw: Civil Society MAG 2016 endorsements and
>> recommendations
>> To: CSCG NomCom for 2016 MAG appointments <nomcom05 at internetgov-cs.org>,
>> cs-coord at internetgov-cs.org
>> (text below is also attached in document form)
>> Dear Chengetai, IGF Secretariat, and MAG selection committee(s),
>> First, we wish to thank you for your past co-operation with us in aiming
>> to ensure the best possible representation for civil society in the IGF
>> Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG). We were pleased that you were able
>> to accept all but one of our suggested nominations last year, and also our
>> suggestions for speakers at IGF. We look forward to further strengthening
>> this collaboration, in line with various recommendations calling for
>> greater legitimacy, transparency and stakeholder involvement in such
>> processes
>> The Civil Society Coordination Group (CSCG) exists solely to ensure a
>> co-ordinated civil society response and conduit when it comes to making
>> civil society appointments to outside bodies. It comprises representatives
>> of the coalition members of the Best Bits, Association for Progressive
>> Communications, Internet Governance Caucus, Just Net Coalition, and the
>> Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group of ICANN. Together the reach of these
>> groups extends to many hundreds of non-governmental organisations, as well
>> as a great number of individuals. In addition, the CSCG receives
>> recommendations of non-affiliated individuals and groups who chose to voice
>> their endorsements through the CSCG mechanism. The CSCG represents the five
>> largest groupings of civil society organisations addressing Internet
>> governance issues. We also work in collaboration with other initiatives in
>> the UN, but also outside of it (such as the Netmundial Conference in Brazil
>> in 2014 and the subsequent Netmundial Initiative).
>> We are pleased to forward the following civil society endorsements for
>> candidates for the 2016 MAG renewal.
>> The Nomcom considered 16 names submitted via our networks, which are
>> attached as Appendix 1. For the record, we also asked to be privy to any
>> other civil society nominations forwarded to you from other sources, and,
>> for full transparency, all civil society stakeholder group applications,
>> which we ideally should have considered fully and without discrimination,
>> but we were told this was not possible.  However if there are other names
>> you are considering, we offer our services to give you confidential
>> assessment of any such candidates.
>> In completing our task, we note that three candidates designated by you
>> as civil society representatives have terms ending this year; two from LAC
>> region and one from Asia. (Fatima Cambronero, Desiree Zachariah, and Subi
>> Chaturvedi)
>> In considering replacements, we have looked at a number of
>> considerations, the most important of which at this particular time, are:
>> First, to restore the balance of LAC region representation, to replace
>> retiring civil society members, we recommend:
>>    1. *Julian Casasbuenas*. Julian is a member of the Association for
>>    Progressive Communications (APC), and has been attending IGF since 2006.
>>    He was involved in the organization of LAC regional IGF meetings and
>>    participated actively as a reporter and speaker in these events. In 2012
>>    his organization, Colnodo, was co-organizer with .CO Internet of the Fifth
>>    IGF LAC meeting that was held in Bogotá Colombia.
>>    2. *Renata Aquino Ribeiro*. Renata is currently a professor in the IT
>>    Campus at Quixadá City in Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. In 2014, she
>>    was a researcher in social development, technology and education at
>>    Business and Economics Faculty (FEAAC) at Federal University of Ceará
>>    (UFC). For the last decade, she has followed the Internet governance
>>    debates such as regional IGFs and ICANN53 participation as a fellow,
>>    Brazilian Internet School of Governance 2014 fellow, South School of
>>    Internet Governance 2015 fellow, LACRALO ALS Nexti participant, and NCUC
>>    participant in ICANN.
>> Our second and third major considerations are to increase voices speaking
>> for the geo-political global south, and to add to the level of experience
>> in internet governance matters of civil society participation. We believe
>> this can be done with one specific candidate. i.e.:
>> 3. *Norbert Bollow*. Norbert has a background in mathematics, physics
>> and IT, and he also has many years of experience in civil society activism
>> on a wide range of information society topics including advocacy for human
>> rights and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). He has participated in the
>> consultations that preceded the first IGF and he has since then
>> participated in many IGFs, including several times as a workshop organizer.
>> He has been a co-coordinator of Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus.
>> Norbert is currently a co-convenor of the Just Net Coalition
>> http://justnetcoalition.org/jnc-members, an international civil society
>> coalition of 35 organisations and networks, most of them South based, with
>> a focus on demands that the Internet must advance human rights and social
>> justice, and that Internet governance must be truly democratic.
>> Our fourth consideration is to gain representation from the MENA region,
>> which currently has no civil society representation; and at the same time
>> to strengthen our African presence. To this end we endorse:
>> 4. *Rasha Abdulla*.  Dr. Rasha A. Abdulla is Associate Professor
>> (tenured) and Past Chair of Journalism and Mass Communication at the
>> American University in Cairo. She has a Ph.D. in Communication (December
>> 2003) from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. She is the
>> proud recipient of several teaching and research awards. Her current
>> research interests focus on the Internet as a medium. Her doctoral
>> dissertation was the first large scale academic study of the uses and
>> gratifications of the Internet among Arab students in Egypt...
>> Thank you for your consideration of these candidates. Please note that,
>> in addition to addressing matters of geographical and gender balance, civil
>> society, like other stakeholders, needs to consider geopolitical balance
>> and the need to ensure that all stakeholder voices are represented. What
>> might appear to be simple changes to the representation we suggest can be
>> quite problematic for us, and result in either imbalance in representation
>> or in inappropriate candidates being selected. To avoid these problems
>> which have occurred in the past, we do suggest that, should you be looking
>> at appointing anyone as a civil society representative not on our list of
>> endorsements, you discuss this in confidence with our coordinators. In
>> addition to any names you might have received individually, we recognise
>> that there are a number of excellent candidates from distinct geographic
>> regions who applied to be nominated through CSCG who we were unable to
>> include in our limited number of endorsements above, that might come into
>> consideration in such discussions.
>> Given the investment in the important process of (perceived) legitimacy,
>> balance, transparency and consensus, we feel strongly that selections
>> should be done with our collaboration. This enhanced co-operation and
>> consultation can assist to ensure the best possible civil society
>> representation, a goal we all share. This also addresses the recommendation
>> of the Working Group on Improvements to the IGF, later endorsed by UN
>> General Assembly, seeking ‘self-management’ of stakeholder representative
>> process by respective stakeholder groups.  We are open for further
>> discussion on this point and other relevant recommendations of the
>> mentioned Working Group.
>> Finally, we do think that, in the light of recommendations in the
>> mentioned CSTD WG and in Netmundial, calling for greater legitimacy,
>> transparency and stakeholder involvement in such processes, it would be
>> appropriate in coming months to review the IGF MAG selection processes, to
>> align them more with emerging best practice in ensuring stakeholder
>> representation and also overall transparency. We offer our services to work
>> with you and other stakeholder representative organisations towards this
>> objective, which we consider imperative to have in place for the 2017 MAG
>> selection process.
>> Sincerely,
>> ​​
>> Virginia Paque and Ian Peter
>> Non-voting Co Chairs CSCG
>> *Nomcom members:* Nadira Alaraj (Best Bits), Analia Aspis (Internet
>> Governance Caucus), Robin Gross (Non Commercial Stakeholders Group, ICANN),
>> Chat Garcia Ramilo (Association for Progressive Communications), Parminder
>> Jeet Singh (Just Net Coalition)
>> *The role of CSCG is to ensure a co-ordinated civil society response and
>> conduit when it comes to making civil society appointments to outside
>> bodies. Our procedures can be viewed at
>> http://www.internetgov-cs.org/procedures
>> <http://www.internetgov-cs.org/procedures>*
>> *Julian Casasbuenas (LAC)**
>> *Renata Aquino Ribeiro (LAC)**
>> *Norbert Bollow (WEOG*)*
>> *Rasha Abdulla (Africa)**
>> Renata Avila (LAC)
>> Wisdom Kwasi Donkor (Africa)
>> Isaque Manteiga Joaquim (Africa)
>> Olevie Kouami (Africa)
>> Glenn McKnight (WEOG)
>> Jeremy Malcolm (WEOG)
>> Joseph Marc Antoine Ridore (Africa)
>> Grigori Saghyan (WEOG)
>> Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro (Asia-Pacific)
>> AbdulRasheed Tamton (Africa)
>> Arsene Tungali (Africa)
>> Deidre Williams (LAC)
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