[bestbits] IGF Daily 3 - Reporting from the 11th Internet Governance Forum

Marilia Maciel mariliamaciel at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 11:12:16 EST 2016

Dear colleagues,

You find below 3rd issue
of the IGF daily, summarising the discussions that happened on IGF day 2.
This issue also features data analysis of IGF transcripts and an interview
with ICANN's Léon Sanchez, one of the co-chairs of the Cross Community
Working Group on enhancing ICANN accountability.

The reporting from individual IGF sessions and previous issues of the IGF
daily can be found here

All the best wishes,

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From: Geneva Internet Platform <gip at diplomacy.edu>
Date: Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 6:46 AM
Subject: IGF Daily 3 - Reporting from the 11th Internet Governance Forum
To: *|MMERGE3|* <mariliamaciel at gmail.com>

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Dear Colleagues,
third *IGF Daily*

The newsletter includes a zoomed-out overview of issues discussed during
Day 2, data analysis of transcripts, findings from the prefix monitor, and
the interview corner.

Download your digital copy
pick your copy of *IGF Daily 3* from the Diplo/GIP booth in Guadalajara.

The *IGF Daily* complements live updates on the *GIP Digital Watch*
observatory, at dig.watch/igf2016
the page for the latest updates, aimed at helping you navigate the 11th
Internet Governance Forum. Tomorrow's *IGF Daily* will once again be packed
with session reports, data analysis, and more.

The just-in-time reporting initiative is supported by the IGF Secretariat,
ICANN, and the Internet Society.

The *IGF Daily* Reporting Team

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*Marília Maciel*
Digital Policy Senior Researcher, DiploFoundation

WMO Building *|* 7bis, Avenue de la Paix *| *1211 Geneva - Switzerland
*Tel *+41 (0) 22 9073632 *| *
*Email*: *MariliaM at diplomacy.edu <mariliam at diplomacy.edu>* *|** Twitter: *
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