[bestbits] FWD: Call for applications. New Media Summer School 2016, 6-10 June in Brussels

Lorena Jaume-Palasi lorena at collaboratory.de
Tue Apr 26 10:02:54 EDT 2016

Dear all,

please find below a call for applications to the New Media Summer School
and EuroDIG 2016 in Brussels. Travel and hotel costs funds available for a
limited number of participants.

Feel free to forward this email among your networks!

Kind regards,


Call for applications! New Media Summer School 2016, 6-10 June in Brussels

The New Media Summer School is the youth pre-event where young people
(18-27 years old) from across the European continent network and prepare
their participation at EuroDIG. The participants will have three days of
talks and discussions, will get to know each other and work on a youth
statement that will be presented at EuroDIG

The programme of the New Media Summer School focuses on the agenda
of EuroDIG <http://www.eurodig.org/eurodig-2016/programme/>.

The deadline for submissions is 8th May 2016, 23:59h CET.

Due to limited capacity not all applications can be accepted. There are
travel and hotel costs funds available for a limited number of applicants.

Eligibility criteria

In order to be considered for participation (and additionally funding), a
candidate must meet the following criteria:

   - is between 18-27 years old;
   - resides in the European continent
   - demonstrates interest in Internet governance related issues

Review and selection

The submitted expressions of interest will be reviewed by the EuroDIG
Secretariat, with two purposes:

   - identify the most suitable candidates to participate in the summer
   - select the participants that would benefit from funding

If the request for funding meeting the aforementioned criteria exceed the
available funds, the review and selection process will be made on the basis
of the submitted expressions of interest, and taking into account the need
to achieve a diversity of participants, in terms of:

   - geography (countries & minorities represented);
   - gender balance;
   - academia, non-academia;
   - organised youth, non-organised youth;
   - balance between newcomers (individuals who have not previously
   participated in EuroDIG processes) and experienced participants
   (individuals who have been previously involved in EuroDIG processes)
   - as well as the consideration of people less represented in general

Responsibilities of selected participants

Please note that participants selected will be responsible for

   - making their own travel arrangements. Cash reimbursement will be made
   onsite, in Brussels, on the basis of an invoice (to be submitted in

Selected participants will be required

   - to help organizing a session in advance by joining the org team of a
   session of their choice
   - to attend and participate pro-actively in the EuroDIG meeting.

Lorena Jaume-Palasí
Director Communications & Youth Engagement

European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)
office at eurodig.org

Cel: +49.179.919 578
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