[bestbits] Fwd: [A2k] IASC Knowledge Commons -, International Conference - 20-21 Oct 2016 Paris - CALL FOR, ABSTRACTS

Carolina Rossini carolina.rossini at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 09:41:25 EDT 2016

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From: Sophie Bloemen <sophie at commonsnetwork.eu>
Date: Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 2:26 PM

*Extended deadline : till Sunday 5th of May*

**Apologies for double posting**

Please find below in attachment the full text of the call for abstract of
the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Commons. Could you
disseminate this in your research networks ?

 *Call  for   abstracts: 3rd  Thematic   IASC-??Conference   on
Knowledge   Commons    *

*?Advancing  Knowledge   Commons   through   Legal   and   Social
Changes: When  commons   meet   law   and   public   policy?   *

20-??21    October  2016,    Paris,    France

Organized by  SciencesPo Paris and the  International Association for the
Study of the Commons (IASC)

* Conference key-notes*
Julie Cohen, Georgetown Law School
Jeremy de Beer, University of Ottawa
Michael J. Madison, University of Pittsburg
Stefano Rodota, Emeritus Professor, University of Torino (tbc)
Geertrui van Overwalle, University of Leuven

*International scientific program committee*

Jean-Benoit Zimmermann, CNRS

Olivier Weinstein, Universit? Paris 13

Charlotte Hess, Syracuse University Library, New York

Tine De Moor, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Brett M. Frischmann, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York

Michael J. Madison, University of Pittsburgh School of Law

Charles M. Schweik, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Paul David, Stanford University, US & UNU Merit

*General  Tracks    *

Track    1    Knowledge    commons    in  legal    and    public
policy    strategies

Track    2    Commons    as    an    opportunity    to    revise
property    concepts

Track    3    Global    public    goods,    public    domain    and
common    heritage    of    mankind    as    new    concepts

Track    4    Communities,    agencies    and    actions

Track    5    Knowledge    commons,    social    justice    and    equity

*Highlight Tracks*

Track    6    Indigenous    and    local    communities?    knowledge
and    social    practices

Track    7    Libraries    and    knowledge-??pools

Track    8    Scientific    research

*Overview  of    the    topic    and    specific    themes    of    the
3rd    Thematic    IASC-??Conference      on    Knowledge    Commons    *

Building upon the successful  2012 and  2014 thematic IASC conferences on
knowledge commons, this third conference aims to look at the normative
effects and institutionalization of the many initiatives based on knowledge
commons and how commons provide new legal tools, public policy choices, and
forms of social, economic and governance innovations. To this purpose the
conference aims to take stock of the latest developments in public policies
and legal initiatives around knowledge commons, as well as how the attempts
to give a proper legal definition of commons in different countries bring
changes in law and property regimes.

The key questions that this conference will cover are the sustainability of
knowledge commons that could be achieved by giving normative effects to the
relationships and collectiveness they create, the possible articulation
between grassroots commons movements and public policy, To such end,
examples of governance models or legal revisions organizing commons in
diverse countries will be studied, particularly as far as knowledge commons
are concerned.

The  International  Association  for  the  Study  of  the  Commons
(IASC),  founded  in  1989  as  The International Association for the Study
of Common Property (IASCP), is devoted to bringing together
multi-??disciplinary   researchers,   practitioners   and   policymakers
for   the   purpose   of   improving governance  and  management,
advancing  understanding,  and  creating  sustainable  solutions  for
commons, common-??pool resources, or any other form of shared resource.
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