[bestbits] CCG-NLU Delhi's Comments on the ICG IANA Transition Proposal

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Thu Sep 10 11:12:26 EDT 2015

Dear Gangesh,

i tried to read the text completely. But it was not possible. I do not 
understand, why you does not develop your own ideas for a real Internet? 
Why are you oriented as slaves to the rulers?

If we want to create a real Internet, then we do not need these 
organizations. They are all unnecessary. And that is why the attempt to 
deal with them is unnecessary, too.

many greetings, willi
Recife, Brasil

Am 10/09/2015 um 04:09 schrieb Gangesh S. Varma Varma:
> Dear All,
> Please find attached Comments from the Centre for Communication Governance,
> National Law University Delhi on the IANA Transition Proposal. We have
> highlighted few of the gaps in the proposal particularly with reference to
> root zone management, absence of articulating the 'global public interest'
> mandate in the new PTI context and the lack of clarity on contracting
> between the ICANN, PTI and Communities.
> We would be grateful for your comments/feedback/suggestions.
> Thanks and regards
> Gangesh

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