[bestbits] Call for policy questions on zero-rating for IGF main session on zero-rating and network neutrality

Susan Chalmers susan at chalmers.associates
Tue Sep 1 01:17:23 EDT 2015

Dear colleagues,

As some of you may know, I am working with volunteers and MAG colleagues to
organise a main session on Zero-Rating and Network Neutrality at 10th
annual meeting of the IGF. (João Pessoa, Brazil, 10 to 13 November 2015).

We are collecting policy questions from the community as part of the
preparation process. We would appreciate it if you could contribute your
questions on the subject here:
This document will remain open until the IGF begins.

Zero-rating is a complex Internet policy issue and deserving of a good
discussion. The discussion will be enriched by diversity, so we very much
encourage you to share this call with your colleagues who have different or
opposing points of view, who are from different countries, and who speak
different languages.

With thanks,

Susan Chalmers
susan at chalmers.associates

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