[bestbits] INVITATION: Zero Day / Zero Rating event at the IGF

Javier Pallero javier at accessnow.org
Fri Oct 23 13:53:41 EDT 2015

Dear all,

Access Now would like to invite all civil society members attending the IGF
to a day-long event on zero rating on *November 9*. There will be an
open-door session on zero rating research in the morning and a closed-door
strategic gathering for civil society members in the afternoon.

Morning session

The morning session will gather a small group of companies and researchers
to conduct a "show and tell" of zero rating products and research. This
will be a safe space for established companies, startups, and other
interested parties to show off solutions to closing the global connectivity
gap, and for researchers to present their findings on the effectiveness and
effects of so-called "zero rating" and "equal rating" strategies.

This open-door session will include 20-minute presentations on the various
partnerships, technologies, business strategies, and other approaches being
employed by companies and researchers. All presenters should come prepared
to present products or findings, and to lead a short discussion.

Morning agenda:

9.00 - 9:30 AM: Introductions

9:30 - 11:30 AM: Presentations and discussion

11:30 AM - 12.00 PM: Wrap-up

Afternoon session

In the afternoon, the Brazilian organization PROTESTE will join us in
hosting a meeting with global civil society members attending the IGF to
discuss strategies and perspectives on what’s coming next for the
protection of users’ rights and also introduce a broader talk on zero
rating, Net Neutrality, and the agenda for global connectivity – where the
business sector is starting to play an important role.

The meeting will be held as a closed-door session under Chatham House

Afternoon agenda:

2.00 - 4.00 PM: Roundtable discussion.

Venue and RSVP

Both meetings will be held in the external auditorium of the IGF venue
–Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center–.

*Please, RSVP by responding to this e-mail if you are interested in
attending any of the events or both.*

Best regards,

Josh Levy - Advocacy Director / Access Now

Javier Pallero - Policy Analyst / Access Now

*---Javier Pallero*

Policy Analyst / Analista de Politicas
Access Now | accessnow.org

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