[bestbits] IGF Summary report by GIP Digital Watch

Ginger Paque gpaque at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 15:14:50 EST 2015

Dear friends and colleagues,

The IGF Summary Report
is out!

With a time-distance of only 2 weekend days, the Report should help you put
numerous discussions in a broader context.

The IGF Report provides layered reporting from a general overview, which
you are reading now, to detailed summaries which you can follow via links
on GIP Digital Watch
<http://digitalwatch.giplatform.org/events/igf-brazil-2015> and, on the
third layer, primary source materials including session transcripts,
tweets, and data sources.

In this way GIP Digital Watch <http://digitalwatch.giplatform.org/>, in
partnership with the Internet Society and DiploFoundation contributes to
evidence-based policy making and future developments of the IGF.

As always, your comments and support for our efforts will be welcome.

With best regards,

Ginger (Virginia) Paque

*DiploFoundation upcoming online courses:* http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses*
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