[bestbits] The Internet Social Forum initiative

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Sat Nov 14 09:55:27 EST 2015

Dear Jeremy,

yes, this is a correct position. I have to concentrate my critique to 
the organisation ISF and mostly all people understand, what i mean. It 
is enough.

I was angry about the text of parminder. And this emotion breaks the 
rules in your list. But we should be clear, that any organisation is 
always the result of the activity of the people. The organisation, any 
form of this, do not exist. Only the active people exist.

I think, that also in the IGF lists, like bestbits or governance, we 
need a strong discussion about, how we can create a real InterNet, an 
Internet for the people and not for capitalistic instances. And this 
discussion we can start in the space of the World Social Forum. In all 
IGF lists we have a high level of experience and knowledge. This can be 
very helpful for us in the process of creation a real InterNet.

Please, excuse my emotional reaction.

many greetings, willi
Coro, Venezuela

Am 13/11/2015 um 01:54 p.m. schrieb Jeremy Malcolm:
> Please no ad hominem attacks on the Best Bits list.  Non-personal
> critiques of particular initiatives of any kind are otherwise OK if
> relevant.  But personal criticisms, whatever the source or target, are
> grounds for suspension from the list from now on.  This rule has not
> been consistently applied in the past, but the results of our recent
> Best Bits survey give a clear mandate for the administrators to take a
> firmer hand in handling ad hominem attacks on the list.
> Thanks.
> On 13/11/2015 11:41 AM, willi uebelherr wrote:
>> (please: I use the lists for IUF and IGF, if i am member in this list.
>> If you answer, please check your membership)
>> Dear friends.
>> 1) I do not understand, why parminder append the texts and do not
>> write the link. He do not understand the principles of text-exchange
>> in our digital communication.
>> Call For ISF
>> http://internetsocialforum.net/isf/?page_id=848
>> Tunis Resolution
>> http://internetsocialforum.net/isf/?page_id=832
>> 2) Parminder wrote:
>> "As many of you will know Internet Social Forum is a thematic forum of
>> the World Social Forum..."
>> Never this group can create a thematic forum of the World Social Forum
>> for Internet. With this censors and autocrats like Norbert Bollow,
>> Richard Hill and Michael Gurstein never we can create a World Internet
>> Forum as a thematic forum of the WSF(FSM). It is a group of selfish
>> oriented people, they support the Internet Governance. They support
>> the centralized controll of the Internet. They speak about self
>> organizing, but never they like it. And never they want accept it.
>> We have to be clear, that the World Social Forum is a forum of the
>> people in our world, on our planet. And not only the people from
>> Europe or North America. Therefore, a World Internet Forum can only
>> arise based on the people on our planet, based on equality, based on
>> an open and free discussion. And not in this "clandestino" form like
>> the ISF (Internet Social Forum).
>> For our free InterNet, the free Interconnection of local Networks,
>> based on the local/regional self organized creation of this transport
>> system for digital data in packet form, we need the open space for our
>> philosophical and technical design principles. It have to be a process
>> in our space of free technology. Free to participate, free to use for
>> all people on our planet. Then, and only then, the people local can
>> create his part of the global digital interconnection for all people.
>> Free and gratis.
>> many greetings, willi
>> Coro, Venezuela
>> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
>> Betreff: [governance] The Internet Social Forum initiative
>> Datum: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 07:08:30 +0530
>> Von: parminder <parminder at itforchange.net>
>> An: governance at lists.igcaucus.org <governance at lists.igcaucus.org>,
>> BestBitsList <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>, Forum at Justnetcoalition.
>> Org <forum at justnetcoalition.org>
>> All
>> There will be a brief presentation at the IGF of the Internet Social
>> Forum initiative, and taking of questions and inputs, in an half an hour
>> session on Friday the 13th in workshop room 2 at 2 PM.
>> As many of you will know Internet Social Forum is a thematic forum of
>> the World Social Forum, It is planned to be held sometime late 2016.
>> All are invited to come.
>> parminder
>> PS: Enclosed the initial call for an ISF, and the 'Tunis Call for a
>> People's Internet' adopted at a workshop on the ISF initiative at the
>> Worls Social Forum in Tunis is March 2015
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