[bestbits] [governance] Fnancial economy of Internet freedom [was Political economy ....]

Jefsey jefsey at jefsey.com
Thu May 7 12:54:04 EDT 2015

At 16:42 07/05/2015, parminder wrote:
>>Seems interesting. But what I am interested in first, is in 
>>dissecting the financing of the internet freedom activists. Does 
>>someone knows something trustable to read in that area?
>>When there is a meeting somewhere in the world, how civil society 
>>members happen to be there? Who does actually pull the string 
>>wallets and wallet strings? Who does foot the civil society bill?
>>Just to know how politically (un)correct should my association be 
>>to qualify? And where to apply?
>Yes, JFC, this is perhaps the single most important issue - to try 
>to understand and perhaps apply corrective pressures on the current 
>IG related civil society (CS) configuration... But unfortunately the 
>involved CS is unable to build any kind of consensus on this all 
>important issue, or to act on it... It is so surprising that a 
>sector whose raison d'etre is to seek accountability from all those 
>who are powerful itself refuses to to be held accountable. In fact, 
>raising this issue in these civil society groups has attracted most 
>vile responses, as for instance Norbert faced a year or two back.

The issue as I see it is as follows:

- Multistakeholderism will be with us by dominance decision. This 
dominance will include the masters of the "Internet Global 
Community". Read it: an RFC 6852 group ICANN, Davos, IETF, ISOC, 
RIRs, with NTIA as a watch dog, and FCC as legal liaison with Congres 
Lobbies, where the public will be consulted as it is by ICANN today: 
comments on leaders' decision sites, drinks in NETmundial cocktails 
around the world, social engineering by press releases, CS Buzz on a 
few sponsorded activists lists where a mere hundred of people will 
casually discuss digital human cyber rights in a numeric world 
virtual acosystem where Govs and ITU are the evil.

- the NSA-compatible Unicode limited technology will continue to help 
Google, Apple, FaceBook, Microsoft, etc. to control and collect 
mentally formated e-purses round the world.

- Until a Xerox/NSA-accepted NDN Hollywood technology helps securing 
the DRMs and call on the USCC to hunt the Chinese hackers and the 
vilain Pirates.

I do not want to belong to this context. So, I frankly do not give a 
damn about vile responses (sorry I do not recall about the Norbert's 
suffering, but I experienced something interesting when the IESG 
***voted*** ("we hate kings, votes ...") me out the IETF for having 
obtained (by multiple consensusses ... against what I asked) a less 
bad RFC 4444 for cultures than the one the business/political Unicode 
consortium wanted to impose on them as a market.

So, I suppose there are enough people throughout the world being 
fed-up with the multistakeholderist promises above, to say "I do 
co-create a LIBRE civil transparency registry where evey 
organization, including single manned initiative and mailing lists, 
can register, document their funding, document their history, tell 
about their followers, get commented, and obtain trust and 
alliance-meshing from this. This will be transparent 
"omnistakeholderism" among those who want to be CS lead users.

>My organisation has proposed to some key players to set up a online 
>register of  some kind for CS players in the IG space, on the lines 
>of EU Transparency Register 
>. But our discussions went nowhere.
>Once, again, I appeal  to key CS groups involved here to join 
>efforts to develop such an online register. If it is needed for 
>corporate lobbyists, it is today needed much more for CS groups as 
>well. My organisation is happy to take a lead to be the initial 
>point of contact for those interested to develop such an initiative. 
>Once there is an initial mass of groups/ individuals they can 
>together choose an appropriate governance structure for the initiative.

I suggest
1) the governance to be as mechanic as possible to be neutral - and 
the registry mecanism to be copied in OpenSource and given to other 
CivilSociety areas of interests.
2) a "meme bank" to be attached. Where organizations and people might 
drop memes on what they support/proposes/suggest. We are not 
interested in votes, but in good suggestions being available to everyone.

>So many IG documents to day speak of transparency among stakeholder 
>groups, but little is done in practice (including the CSTD working 
>group on IGF improvement, and the much celebrated Net Mundial 
>document). CS must of course take the lead, and the conscience 
>keeper of governance processes.


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