[bestbits] Practitioner Research & Learning Grants (priority countries: Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, the Philippines, South Africa and Tanzania)

Becky Lentz roberta.lentz at mcgill.ca
Wed Jul 1 09:37:54 EDT 2015

This may be of interest to some in the Best Bits community:

Are you involved in a process, project, initiative or practice that tries to
strengthen citizens¹ voice to get governments to respond and be accountable
to them? Are you someone who reflects on your experience and learns from
your own practice and others? Then Making All Voices Count is offering
grants you might be interested in.

Call for Proposals

We are interested in supporting research by and for practitioners on
processes, projects, initiatives or aspects of practice that they are
involved in, that try to strengthen citizens¹ voice to get governments to
respond to them and be accountable to them. Organisations and individuals
are eligible for applying for Practitioner Research & Learning Grants.  We
invite proposals of a cost up to £25,000 for research and learning projects,
of a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 12 months.

For more, click here:

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