[bestbits] Idea Rating Sheets from Best Bits João Pessoa meeting

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 15:21:30 EST 2015


So where will the names of those who answered be available?

Btw, next week I'll be in WSIS+10 mtg. If any Bestbits member is there, it
would be great to talk


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Steve Anderson <steve at openmedia.org> wrote:

> This great Jeremy! Thanks for the opportunity to weigh in on the ideas.
> I see a lot of the ideas focus on trade agreements. For those interested
> FYI OpenMedia released a report focused primarily on TPP, copyright and
> free expression that you might find useful. It can be found here:
> https://connectedfuture.org/
> Thanks again to the many of you who help put it together. It was a long
> process with many hands.
> --
> *Steve Anderson*
> Executive Director | OpenMedia.org | *The Internet Needs You -->>*
> http://openmedia.org
> 604-837-5730
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> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 9:07 AM, Jeremy Malcolm <jmalcolm at eff.org> wrote:
>> Here is some more information about the Idea Rating Sheets activity from
>> the Best Bits João Pessoa meeting.
>> Apologies that because presentations in the previous session overran
>> considerably, we couldn't properly complete the Idea Rating Sheets in the
>> following session.  Nonetheless to my pleasant surprise, even though we had
>> to compress that activity into less than a quarter of the time that it was
>> meant to occupy, we still received an amazing 32 ideas.  A few people were
>> able to rate those ideas using the paper Idea Rating Sheets before we
>> closed, but for those who didn't, you have the opportunity to do so using
>> digitised versions that I have uploaded as a questionnaire here:
>> http://bestbits.net/limesurvey/index.php?r=survey/index/sid/645723&lang=en
>> Most of them are ideas for strategies to wrest back control of Internet
>> policy issues from closed trade negotiations; but a few ideas are on
>> broader topics (which is fine, because the original plan if we'd had more
>> time was to seek ideas on a range of Internet governance reforms and
>> innovations).
>> This activity was just a taste for an upcoming invitation-only meeting in
>> Brussels on January 27-28, 2016, at which we will be hosting private expert
>> dialogue to work on possible reforms to processes of trade negotiation that
>> bear on these Internet-related issues, that would bring them in line with
>> norms of transparency and public participation, drawn in part from the
>> discourse surrounding Internet governance.  If you would like to apply to
>> participate at this event and believe that you have expertise to
>> contribute, we welcome you to express your interest.  Some travel funding
>> is available for those in need.  More information and a registration form
>> for expressing interest in attending are available here:
>> https://www.eff.org/event/trade-reform-meeting
>> --
>> Jeremy Malcolm
>> Senior Global Policy Analyst
>> Electronic Frontier Foundationhttps://eff.orgjmalcolm@eff.org
>> Tel: 415.436.9333 ext 161
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