[bestbits] Debunking eight myths about multi-stakeholderism

Barry Shein bzs at world.std.com
Fri Apr 24 20:56:47 EDT 2015

On April 24, 2015 at 15:45 jmalcolm at eff.org (Jeremy Malcolm) wrote:
 > http://igfwatch.org/discussion-board/debunking-eight-myths-about-multi-stakeholderism

That's all well and good and a nice easy read.

However it doesn't address what I think are the biggest concerns with
multistakeholderism which are:

o How are stakeholders defined and selected? And by whom? How do we
  ascertain that a stakeholder is legitimate?

o How are they enfranchised? For example, one stakeholder one vote? Or
  some sort of proportional representation? By what metric?

o How does enfranchisement work other than a hand-wave to simple
  majority of whoever happens to be in the room? How does workflow and
  agenda work? Consensus? Majority assent? Committee? etc.

o What is the dispute resolution process? Is there a judiciary aspect?

At some point one has to get beyond simplistic claims that it's good
because it's not bad and instead begin laying out structural details.

        -Barry Shein

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