[bestbits] [governance] Opening Session @ the Global Conference on Cyberspace - thoughts welcome

Ian Peter ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Thu Apr 2 19:53:58 EDT 2015

Hi Devon,

I think the debate can and will evolve from the suggestion that “security” and human rights – in particular the right to privacy – need to in some way work against each other. While some governments still believe this is the case, many others now appear to have moved on from this.

A parallel might be to compare the great “security” we would have in society if there was a policeman permanently stationed on every street corner. I’m sure it would reduce crime, but would it create the sort of society we want to live in? I don’t think so; in fact we have a term for that sort of society, it is called a police state. And may I suggest that various forms of mass surveillance being suggested as necessary by some security groups might be heading in this direction, and are a step too far. Increasingly governments are recognising this.

I believe the early draft Chair’s statement for this conference will be released soon to civil society lists, for inputs into a civil society response to this draft. But having just had a sneak preview of the document, I was generally pleased with the strength of the suggested text on privacy and human rights, which begins with “the protection of human rights and security online are complementary concepts”. But there is a long way to go and there may be attempts to water down these sections. 

But yes, I do believe that this matter is likely to be a key issue at the conference, and we should raise our voices to talk about the sort of society we would wish to live in.

Ian Peter

From: Devon Blake 
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 3:36 AM
To: Nnenna Nwakanma ; governance at lists.igcaucus.org 
Cc: Discussion List on African Internet Governance Forum ; mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net ; members 
Subject: Re: [governance] Opening Session @ the Global Conference on Cyberspace - thoughts welcome

I might be a bit out of touch but there is a conundrum between the level of individual freedom and security...security is being able to uniquely identify every user of the internet, and  have the capacity to mitigate against illegal or unsanctioned use... freedom here relates to the highest concepts of human rights...and we can list them...if we can find seven interrelated principles of human rights...and balance them against the character of each user...then we would have set the foundation for focused dialog on freedom vs security.

On Apr 2, 2015 3:30 AM, "Nnenna Nwakanma" <nnenna75 at gmail.com> wrote:

  Dear all,

  If all goes as planned, I will be at the opening panel on the morning of April 16th.  If you have any thoughts you would like me "not to forget", please feel free to share.  I have pasted the blurb, including the questions below.  Kindly note the following:

    1.. Because I only arrive on the 15th, I will be missing the Civil Society pre-event. So apologies upfront. 
    2.. I will try, to the measure possible to represent Civil Society views, but I do not and will not pretend to be representing anybody. 
    3.. I neither have the energy, time, nor bandwidth to engage in any debates, especially the type that seeks to lead nowhere, that has become the signature of some CS spaces. 
    4.. Feel free to mail nnenna at webfoundation directly if that is the best option for you.

  Opening session
  Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands, will open the conference, followed by an introduction by Bert Koenders, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, host of the GCCS. The conference will start with a strategic discussion among representatives of all stakeholders on the most important current developments in cyberspace. A panel consisting of high-level government officials and private sector and civil society leaders will sketch the main opportunities, dilemmas and challenges facing the further evolution of the internet. All main issues of the conference will be touched upon: internet governance and multistakeholder cooperation, freedom and privacy online, the digital divide, the internet as enabler for social and economic development, cyber security and cybercrime. The panel will address questions such as:

    a.. How should we balance freedom, security and economic development and innovation in cyberspace? 
    b.. How do we guarantee an open, free and secure internet? 
    c.. What are the responsibilities of the various stakeholders in cyberspace, e.g.: what  role should governments vis a vis the private sector play in protecting privacy online? 
    d.. How can we improve cooperation between governments, private sector and civil society in cyber-related matters? 
    e.. How can we maintain and improve trust by consumers in the internet? 
    f.. How can we stimulate research and development, and interdisciplinary academic cooperation in order to strengthen cyberspace?
  The panel will be followed by ministerial statements.


    a.. Mireille Ballestrazzi, President of Interpol  
    b.. Vint Cerf, Vice-President of Google 
    c.. Nnenna Nwakanma, World Wide Web Foundation 
    d.. Fadi Chehadé, CEO ICANN 
    e.. Yurie Ito, Director of Global Coordination Division for the JPCERT/CC 

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