[bestbits] Call for making the IGF permanent

Niels ten Oever lists at digitaldissidents.org
Mon Sep 1 03:37:30 EDT 2014

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Dear Jeanette,

I would also support this initiative.

Perhaps we can build on what has been done on the collaborative pad of
yesterdays BestBits meeting.



- -- 
Niels ten Oever
Head of Digital

Article 19

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On 09/01/2014 10:31 AM, Andrew Puddephatt wrote:
> i would support such an initiative
> *Andrew Puddephatt* Executive Director | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL 
> Development House, 56–64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT T: +44
> (0)20 7549 0336 | M: +44 (0)7713399597 | Skype: andrewpuddephatt 
> gp-digital.org
> On 1 September 2014 09:33, Jeanette Hofmann <jeanette at wzb.eu>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> at the BB meeting yesterday we discussed the idea of a BB
>> statement that would ask the UN to make the IGF a permanent body
>> instead of  renewing its mandate for another limited term of 5 or
>> 10 years. This idea found broad support among the attendees of
>> the BB meeting.
>> Later on I discussed the content of such a statement with other 
>> stakeholders at the IGF and I got the impression that we might be
>> able to draft a cross-stakeholder statement together with the
>> technical community and the private sector. (Individual
>> governments support such a statement too but I am not sure it
>> would be possible within the few days available to coordiante
>> enough signatures by governments to make this an all inclusive 
>> statement.)
>> Right now, a multi-stakeholder statement coming out of this IGF
>> is only an idea that needs further exploration within the
>> respective groups. So, with this email to the bb list and the IGC
>> list I am asking for your opinions to find out if such a
>> cross-stakeholder statement would find support in civil society.
>> jeanette
>> P.S. Lately, I have been unable to post to the IGC list. If this
>> email does not appear on the IGC list, would someone be so kind
>> to forward it?
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