[bestbits] Call for making the IGF permanent

Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal jc.nothias at theglobaljournal.net
Mon Sep 1 10:24:09 EDT 2014

Don't need to be dogmatic Carlos.

The UN system is one of the most flexible and adaptive one can dream of. It is a very welcoming space for innovative governance thinking.

So it can be a UN spin-off as we have many interesting examples, it can be an entity such as a PPP with a contract to the UN, it can be many things within a UN convention or framework, giving it a special status. So instead of rushing to far too early conclusions, it would rather be just appropriate to mention. I am sure DiploFoundation or Just_Net can bring some good ideas as well.
- to transform the IGF mandate into a permanent formal body
	(emphasizing the shift from an UNDESA project to a more "serious" thing)
- to make sure that difference sources of funding are able to provide the IGF a sustainable and efficient action
	(to make sure that all funding good will is welcome, including a Montevideo I* one or an ICANN direct support (for helping to shape the public policy decision making of the IG)...
- to think of what formal status can it be given to for the IGF to have a democratic multistakeholder governance and structure.
	( to keep track and spirit of the NetMundial progress)

Along these simple lines, I don't see any betrayal of the NetMundial final statement (and comments).

We might not need "to request". We might be much more efficient - if CS act with unanimity, i.e. being very strong in its stance - if the statement goes like : All CS participating to the 2014 IGF commend unanimously the possibility for the UN to envision the IGF as ....

and a less formal and directive: 
"we request the UN Secretary General to  establish the IGF as a permanent multistakeholder forum.  We also request that the UN Secretary General work with the IGF and its stakeholders to strengthen its structure and processes."


Le 1 sept. 2014 à 16:00, Carlos A. Afonso a écrit :

> If it has to become a formal body, I would not like to see it becoming a sort of UN agency. If it is not a UN agency, funding should come from other sources.
> --c.a.
> On 09/01/2014 09:27 AM, parminder wrote:
>> I support the call.
>> It should be accompanied with the UN providing permanent institutional
>> funding for it.  Nothing can be permanent and stable without clear and
>> stable source of funding.
>> BTW, the IGF is right now a 'project' of UNDESA, and projects normally
>> are not permanent. For being permanent it has to be an incorporated body
>> with institutional funding.
>> Anne, in the CSTD WG on IGF improvements,  IT for Change and some
>> developing country asked for a part of domain names tax collected by
>> ICANN to be dedicated to IGF funding. This has to be done in a
>> statutory/ constitutional manner and not as ad hoc, upto ICANN, measure.
>> parminder
>> On Monday 01 September 2014 02:13 PM, Anne Jellema wrote:
>>> Actually the point about stable and predictable funding - and I would
>>> add to that, transparent and accountable financial management - seems
>>> just as important as (and closely linked to) the permanent mandate.
>>> WF continues to advocate that a % of gTLD revenues be set aside for
>>> this purpose, as well as for other public benefit purposes, but if it
>>> is considered unwise to mix ICANN issues with IGF issues then perhaps
>>> it's enough just to reference the need for expanded, predictable
>>> funding that is transparently accounted for.
>>> cheers
>>> Anne
>>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Eduardo Bertoni
>>> <ebertoni at alumni.gwu.edu <mailto:ebertoni at alumni.gwu.edu>> wrote:
>>>    I support Joana´s idea re taking into account what the NetMundial
>>>    final declaration says. I would only add that the "next" IGF
>>>    should do better in linking its agenda and wok with the regional
>>>    IGFs.
>>>    e
>>>    Eduardo
>>>    On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Joana Varon
>>>    <joana at varonferraz.com <mailto:joana at varonferraz.com>> wrote:
>>>        Agree.
>>>        At NETMundial final statement, this is what we have on IGF:
>>>        "There is a need for a strengthened Internet Governance Forum
>>>        (IGF). Important recommendations to that end were made by the
>>>        UN CSTD working group on IGF improvements. It is suggested
>>>        that these recommendations will be
>>>        implemented by the end of 2015. Improvements should include
>>>        inter-alia:
>>>        a.Improved outcomes: Improvements can be implemented including
>>>        creative
>>>        ways of providing outcomes/recommendations and the analysis of
>>>        policy options;
>>>        b.Extending the IGF mandate beyond five-year terms;
>>>        c. Ensuring guaranteed stable and predictable funding for the
>>>        IGF, including
>>>        through a broadened donor base, is essential;
>>>        d. The IGF should adopt mechanisms to promote worldwide
>>>        discussions
>>>        between meetings through intersessional dialogues.
>>>        A strengthened IGF could better serve as a platform for
>>>        discussing both long
>>>        standing and emerging issues with a view to contributing to
>>>        the identification of
>>>        possible ways to address them."
>>>        We could departure from that and add "ask the UN to make the
>>>        IGF a permanent body instead of renewing its mandate for
>>>        another limited term of 5 or 10 years."
>>>        1Net could also be a platform to facilitate this.
>>>        best
>>>        joana
>>>        On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 4:48 AM, João Carlos R. Caribé
>>>        <joao.caribe at me.com <mailto:joao.caribe at me.com>> wrote:
>>>            Unfortunately I missed that meeting, so I full support
>>>            this idea count me on to support as I can.
>>>            _
>>>            João Carlos Caribé
>>>            (021) 8761 1967
>>>            (021) 4042 7727
>>>            Skype joaocaribe
>>>            Enviado via iPad
>>>            > Em 01/09/2014, às 11:33, Jeanette Hofmann
>>>            <jeanette at wzb.eu <mailto:jeanette at wzb.eu>> escreveu:
>>>            >
>>>            > Hi all,
>>>            >
>>>            > at the BB meeting yesterday we discussed the idea of a
>>>            BB statement that would ask the UN to make the IGF a
>>>            permanent body instead of renewing its mandate for another
>>>            limited term of 5 or 10 years.
>>>            > This idea found broad support among the attendees of the
>>>            BB meeting.
>>>            >
>>>            > Later on I discussed the content of such a statement
>>>            with other stakeholders at the IGF and I got the
>>>            impression that we might be able to draft a
>>>            cross-stakeholder statement together with the technical
>>>            community and the private sector. (Individual governments
>>>            support such a statement too but I am not sure it would be
>>>            possible within the few days available to coordiante
>>>            enough signatures by governments to make this an all
>>>            inclusive statement.)
>>>            >
>>>            > Right now, a multi-stakeholder statement coming out of
>>>            this IGF is only an idea that needs further exploration
>>>            within the respective groups. So, with this email to the
>>>            bb list and the IGC list I am asking for your opinions to
>>>            find out if such a cross-stakeholder statement would find
>>>            support in civil society.
>>>            >
>>>            > jeanette
>>>            >
>>>            > P.S. Lately, I have been unable to post to the IGC list.
>>>            If this email does not appear on the IGC list, would
>>>            someone be so kind to forward it?
>>>            >
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>>>        Joana Varon Ferraz
>>>        @joana_varon
>>>        PGP 0x016B8E73
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