[bestbits] FW: Call for nominations for civil society representatives for the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory group (MAG)

Grace Githaiga ggithaiga at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 24 18:57:24 EDT 2014

From: ggithaiga at hotmail.com
To: lists at digitaldissidents.org; bestbits at lists.bestbits.net; jmalcolm at eff.org
Subject: RE: [bestbits] Call for nominations for civil society representatives for the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory group (MAG)
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:05:58 +0000

I second Lea's and Avri's nominations. 
They continue to be great contributors to the issues and have demonstrated commitment. 
RgdsGraceFrom: Niels ten Oever <lists at digitaldissidents.org>
Date: 24 September 2014 10:05:45 BST
To: bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
Subject: Re: [bestbits] Call for nominations for civil society representatives for the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory group (MAG)
Reply-To: Niels ten Oever <lists at digitaldissidents.org>

Hash: SHA1

+1 for Lea and Avri
+1 for more voices for more candidates (+ support) from developing



Niels ten Oever
Head of Digital

Article 19

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On 09/23/2014 09:58 AM, Gabriel Ramokotjo wrote:
Would also like to add my support for John Dada.


G.M Ramokotjo On Sep 23, 2014 4:49 AM, "Seun Ojedeji"
<seun.ojedeji at gmail.com> wrote:


This is to indicate my support for John Dada.


sent from Google nexus 4 kindly excuse brevity and typos. On 22
Sep 2014 17:10, "Teresa Tafida" <tesstaff.5551 at gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Jeremy

I wish to submit the following nomination Name: John Dada 
Country of residence: Nigeria Nationality: Nigerian Gender:

John Dada is the CEO of Fantsuam Foundation, www.fantsuam.net,
in Nigeria. He has been an internet rights activist with
special passion for underserved and unserved communities of
rural Nigeria. He was the Chair of an APC-sponsored Broadband
for Nigeria process that developed a draft framework for the
country. He serves on the Executive Board of Association for
Progressive Communications and is on the Working Group of the
Nigerian Internet Freedom Bill. He has attended previous IGFs
including the most recent at Instanbul where he was active in
the Dynamic Coalition on Access and Disability.

John brings with him a wealth of experience from the developing
world perspective

On 18 Sep 2014, at 20:21, Jeremy Malcolm <jmalcolm at eff.org>

This is a call for nominations for civil society
representatives for the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory group

This nomination process in 2014 will be run across several
civil society coalitions, including Best Bits, IGC, APC, Diplo,
NCSG, and Just Net Coalition. You are welcome to nominate
through any of the above groups. Nominations close on Tuesday,
September 30

If you wish to nominate via Best Bits, or you have been
nominated and wish to accept, please do so either on list or by
email to jmalcolm at eff.org.

Please include in your nomination, the nominee's name, country
of residence and nationality, and gender. Please also
specifically address each of the selection criteria below,
giving us examples and evidence of how the nominee meets each
of the individual selection criteria.


- Past record of active engagement as part of civil society
groups working on internet governance issues, acting or
speaking out assertively on behalf of public interest
concerns. - Willingness and commitment to consult with and
report back to CS networks (including beyond those focused on
internet governance where appropriate) on MAG discussions. -
Previous attendee at IGF at a global or regional level. -
Willing, available and able to participate effectively and 
constructively in the MAG deliberations.

Existing MAG members seeking CSCG endorsement should also
follow this process.

Nominations must close on Tuesday, September 30. The list of
candidates endorsed by CSCG will be published no later than
October 16.

-- Jeremy Malcolm Senior Global Policy Analyst Electronic
Frontier Foundationhttps://eff.orgjmalcolm@eff.org

Tel: 415.436.9333 ext 161

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