[bestbits] food for thought: conflict or participation or both?

Stefania Milan stefania.milan at utoronto.ca
Tue Sep 23 06:59:42 EDT 2014

Dear BestBits-ers
we would like to share with the community a short blog post entitled "In Multistakeholderism We Trust: On the Limits of the Multistakeholder Debate" [1], in which Arne Hintz and myself ask whether multistakeholderism has become a mantra, void of its progressive potential and outcomes, and argue for more conflict within the global IG debate. Among other things, we call for strengthening spaces like Best Bits, whose autonomy from specific policy processes/arenas and IG organizations can be crucial for the articulation of civil society's wish list and strategies. Just some food for thought...
Best, Stefania (and Arne)

[1] http://www.global.asc.upenn.edu/in-multistakeholderism-we-trust-on-the-limits-of-the-multistakeholder-debate/

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