[bestbits] BestBits statement

Brett Solomon brett at accessnow.org
Fri Sep 5 05:53:46 EDT 2014

FYI. I just thought as a statement on IGF, we should keep it as such and therefore the Turkish point should neither be 1 or 6. But rather include it as the concluding paragraph after the last point (5). I don't feel that strongly about it and feel free to move it back to 1, as the sentiment is essential. We will also sign. Burcu please do include in closing remarks if poss.  Brett 

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> On Sep 5, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Deborah Brown <deborah at apc.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> APC will support this as well, but agree with Niels- preference for
> point 6 (on Turkey) as point 1.
> What's the plan for presenting this? The stock tacking session just
> concluded. Burcu, would you be willing to refer to the statement in
> your closing remarks?
> Deborah
>> On 9/4/14 3:35 PM, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
>> On Sep 4, 2014, at 3:21 PM, Niels ten Oever
>> <lists at digitaldissidents.org> wrote:
>>> Signed PGP part We will support this. Even though I would prefer
>>> to make point 6 point 1. Is there opposition against that?
>> Yes there was as Access wanted it at the end - IMHO either start or
>> end are strong places for it.
>>> Could we also make this a Best Bits statement instead of a
>>> sign-on statement? (Sorry for now being more acquainted with the
>>> process.)
>> I don't think so - we had a show of hands at the meeting in support
>> of what is now paragraph 1 and this will be reflected in the record
>> of the meeting, but the other paragraphs are somewhat novel and the
>> opt-in sign-on is a more appropriate procedure for those.
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