[bestbits] Closing Ceremony

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Thu Sep 4 10:56:41 EDT 2014

She has only 5 minutes... :)

sent from a dumbphone

> On 04/09/2014, at 15:21, Brett Solomon <brett at accessnow.org> wrote:
> Congrats!!
> Please mention the 13 principles:
> Necessaryandproportionate.org
> Brett 
> Sent from my phone 
>> On Sep 4, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Niels ten Oever <lists at digitaldissidents.org> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Dear Burcu,
>> It would be great if you could make the points mentioned in the Best
>> Bits statement: http://bestbits.net/igf-statement-2014/
>> Personally I would really appreciate it if you could make a strong
>> reference to the situation in Turkey and perhaps also refer to the
>> situation in Azerbaijan that worsened since the the IGF was organized
>> there.
>> Best,
>> Niels
>> - -- 
>> Niels ten Oever
>> Head of Digital
>> Article 19
>> www.article19.org
>> PGP fingerprint = 8D9F C567 BEE4 A431 56C4 678B 08B5 A0F2 636D 68E9
>>> On 09/04/2014 02:37 PM, Burcu Kilic wrote:
>>> Dear Bestbits friends,
>>> Hope you are enjoying your time in my beautiful country. I am
>>> pleased to inform you that I have been confirmed as a closing
>>> ceremony CSO speaker. Thanks for the nomination and all your kind
>>> words -- very much appreciated.
>>> I have only 5 minutes but I will try my best to raise all the
>>> issues we care. Please send me your suggestions.
>>> Best,
>>> Burcu
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>> =o/f5
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