[bestbits] Call for making the IGF permanent

João Carlos R. Caribé joao.caribe at me.com
Mon Sep 1 03:48:12 EDT 2014

Unfortunately I missed that meeting, so I full support this idea count me on to support as I can.

João Carlos Caribé
(021) 8761 1967
(021) 4042 7727
Skype joaocaribe
Enviado via iPad

> Em 01/09/2014, às 11:33, Jeanette Hofmann <jeanette at wzb.eu> escreveu:
> Hi all,
> at the BB meeting yesterday we discussed the idea of a BB statement that would ask the UN to make the IGF a permanent body instead of  renewing its mandate for another limited term of 5 or 10 years.
> This idea found broad support among the attendees of the BB meeting.
> Later on I discussed the content of such a statement with other stakeholders at the IGF and I got the impression that we might be able to draft a cross-stakeholder statement together with the technical community and the private sector. (Individual governments support such a statement too but I am not sure it would be possible within the few days available to coordiante enough signatures by governments to make this an all inclusive statement.)
> Right now, a multi-stakeholder statement coming out of this IGF is only an idea that needs further exploration within the respective groups. So, with this email to the bb list and the IGC list I am asking for your opinions to find out if such a cross-stakeholder statement would find support in civil society.
> jeanette
> P.S. Lately, I have been unable to post to the IGC list. If this email does not appear on the IGC list, would someone be so kind to forward it?
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