[bestbits] [governance] Call for making the IGF permanent

Stephanie Perrin stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
Wed Sep 3 16:15:16 EDT 2014

I think this is helpful, and I am sorry that I missed the BestBits 
meeting and all the discussion.  My understanding (and I cc Jeanette who 
was there and who was taking on the task for this letter, was that 
discussion of evolution and strengthening was to go in the other 
letter....because it was harder to get agreement on that.  WE are 
getting countries to sign on to extension of the mandate, which is quite 
difficult.  We cannot start throwing in qualitative material that 
requires negotiation.
Is this not why we have three letter going?
On 2014-09-03, 13:43, Anja Kovacs wrote:
> Thanks, Lee. That was in fact also what was suggested at the Best Bits 
> meeting.
> The unanimous support was not merely for establishing the IGF as a 
> permanent or long-term body, but for establishing it as a permanent or 
> long-term body while reforming and strengthening it, and that is the 
> language that the Best Bits draft statement also uses at the moment 
> (the cross-stakeholder statement unfortunately does not). Transparency 
> and accountability for me are an integral part of what needs to be 
> strengthened, and I'm happy for that to be spelled out. I have made a 
> suggestion to that effect on the pad where the BB statement is being 
> drafted.
> I wouldn't normally cross-post a message like this (on a BB statement) 
> to the IGC list, but I thought it is important that since this 
> conversation has now spread out over both lists, people who are only 
> part of the IGC should have the correct background information as well.
> Thanks and best,
> Anja
> On 3 September 2014 22:27, Lee W McKnight <lmcknigh at syr.edu 
> <mailto:lmcknigh at syr.edu>> wrote:
>     My cent:
>     Split the difference.
>     Everyone agrees/calls for a ten year planning horizon for UN
>     participation in IGF;
>     coupled with a call for greater multistakeholder participation in
>     the -annual - review process for IGF accountability and
>     transparency reasons.
>     Everyone's a winner.
>     Lee
>     ________________________________________
>     From: governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org
>     <mailto:governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org>
>     <governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org
>     <mailto:governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org>> on behalf of
>     George Sadowsky <george.sadowsky at gmail.com
>     <mailto:george.sadowsky at gmail.com>>
>     Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2014 12:08 PM
>     To: Civil IGC Society Internet Governance Caucus -; Milton L Mueller
>     Cc: Pranesh Prakash; Jeanette Hofmann; Best Bits
>     Subject: Re: [governance] [bestbits] Call for making the IGF permanent
>     I agree with Prakesh also.
>     George
>     On Sep 3, 2014, at 10:04 AM, Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu
>     <mailto:mueller at syr.edu>> wrote:
>     >
>     >
>     >> -----Original Message-----
>     >> I will have to be the one to provide that "almost" to that
>     unanimity.
>     >> Speaking for myself, I do not support making the IGF a
>     permanent body.
>     >>
>     >> The IGF has to be relevant and has to deliver results, and we
>     should push for
>     >> accountability of the IGF.  Making it permanent isn't really
>     going to help
>     >> accountability of the IGF (just as having the IANA contract be
>     renewable has
>     >> helped keep ICANN more accountable so far, though the analogy
>     is not perfect).
>     >> I would support making the evaluation process (for renewal of
>     the IGF's term)
>     >> more participative and transparent and, yes, more
>     "multistakeholder".
>     >
>     > Agree with Pranash
>     > --MM
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> -- 
> Dr. Anja Kovacs
> The Internet Democracy Project
> +91 9899028053 | @anjakovacs
> www.internetdemocracy.in <http://www.internetdemocracy.in/>

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