[bestbits] [ITU Plenipot] Recap Oct 29 - Nov 3

Matthew Shears mshears at cdt.org
Mon Nov 3 09:23:10 EST 2014

Thanks Lea - this is really helpful for those of us not on location.


On 11/3/2014 12:38 AM, Lea Kaspar wrote:
> Dear all,
> This is to give an update of the ongoing discussions at the ITU PP14.
> Civil society in Busan have participated in many debates outlined 
> below, through their national delegations or informal discussions with 
> other delegates. It would be great if colleagues following particular 
> discussions could expand or reflect on the summary presented below. On 
> a general note, with 4 days to go, most people seem to think that 
> compromises have been reached sooner than expected.
> A number of us participated in the second meeting with the outgoing 
> ITU Secretary General, which was largely seen as an ITU PR-stunt. In 
> order to ensure continuity, an informal meeting of CS reps with the 
> Secretary General elect, Mr. Zhao, is expected to take place in the 
> next few days. If you have suggestions for what issues should be 
> raised at that meeting, share them here.
> Hope this is useful.
> Best,
> Lea
> ---
> *_Process_*
> At the beginning of Week 3 of the Plenipot, most ad hoc working groups 
> (AHGs) dealing with specific proposals are wrapping up. Many AHGs have 
> already agreed text, which has been sent to Committee 5 (COM5), 
> Committee 6 (COM6), and the Plenary Working Group (WGPL). Once agreed 
> in an ad hoc, the text rarely gets re-opened for discussion in the 
> Committees or WGPL, and even more rarely in the Plenary.
> Discussions
> What follows is an overview of main discussions divided by relevant 
> AHGs. The list is not exhaustive. For a visual representation of 
> various AHGs pertaining to the WGPL, see this usefulchart 
> <http://regmedia.co.uk/2014/10/30/wg-plenary-chart-v1.png>created 
> bySamantha Dickinson <https://twitter.com/sgdickinson>(who has also 
> been diligently live-tweeting the meeting).
> COM5 AHG on draft new resolution on counterfeit devices
> Status:Ad hoc closed,text 
> <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S14-PP-141020-TD-0058%21%21MSW-E.pdf>sent 
> to COM5 which will consider it on Monday afternoon.
> Highlights:
>  *
>     All references to ‘unauthorised devices’ have been dropped so the
>     resolution is now only about counterfeit devices.
>  *
>     References to a device database in which all
>     telecommunications/ICT would need to be registered, are removed
>     from the document;
>  *
>     Problematic language on combating counterfeit is now balanced by
>     reference to taking into consideration ‘importance of maintaining
>     user connectivity’ (which is very similar to the BB
>     recommendation). This means that in combating counterfeit
>     equipment, countries should not simply disconnect all counterfeit
>     devices without considering how this affects user connectivity,
>     which is great win for end-users.
>  *
>     We did not manage to get references to IMEI and other unique
>     identifiers completely out of the text, but it doesn't seem that
>     this will do much harm or increase mandate of ITU, since this is
>     mostly regulated via national legislation and regulation and the
>     provision on the consideration of end-user connectivity. ITU-T
>     also already has a strong standard on this (namely X.1255 which
>     can be found here:http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.1255-201309-I
> AHGs on ITU openness and transparency (Decisions 11 & 12, New Decision 
> on Access to ITU documents)
> Status:Ad hoc on access to documents closed,text 
> <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S14-PP-141020-TD-0061%21%21MSW-E.pdf>agreed 
> by COM5; Ad hoc onDecision 11 
> <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S14-PP-141020-DL-0044%21R2%21MSW-E.pdf>(opening 
> up CWGs) ongoing, next to meet on Monday afternoon.
> Highlights:
> COM5 AHG on access to documents (New decision):
>  *
>     Member States agreed on the broad principle that the ITU needs to
>     be more transparent and that more of its documents should be open
>     to the public.
>  *
>     They disagreed on how this should be done in practice (what the
>     official policy would look like), who should take the decision,
>     and the appropriate timeframe.
>  *
>     The agreed text decides to open all input and output documents of
>     ITU conference and assemblies starting in 2015. It then instructs
>     one of the Council Working Groups to draft a policy to present to
>     the Council for consideration. The Council can then, on an interim
>     basis, decide to implement the policy, as appropriate. The final
>     decision on policy to be taken at PP 2018.
> WGPL AHG on Council Working Groups (CWGs) & CWG Internet (Decision 11):
>  *
>     [Currently, all CWGs are open to all ITU Member States; some are
>     open to Sector Members; none are open to observers. CWG-Internet
>     is only open to Member States. Best Bits submitted a request to
>     open this CWG in 2013, which was denied by Council.]
>  *
>     Proposals from Europe and US ask for all CWGs to be open to all
>     Member States and Sector members, and for CWG-Internet to be open
>     to all stakeholders. There is no agreement on this and discussions
>     are ongoing.
> WGPL AHG on Resolution 130(Strengthening the role of ITU in building 
> confidence and security in the use of ICTs)
> Status:Ad hoc closed,text 
> <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S14-PP-141020-TD-0067%21%21MSW-E.pdf>to 
> be presented for WGPL consideration on Monday afternoon.
> Highlights:
>  *
>     The agreed text does not diverge greatly from the original
>     Resolution 130 – an outcome that is most aligned with proposals
>     from those who advocated a ‘no-change’ approach to this Resolution
>     (US, Europe);
>  *
>     Proposals to include references to privacy and human rights have
>     been resisted;
>  *
>     Proposals for the ITU to come up with a roadmap for dealing with
>     cybersecurity have equally been resisted,
> WGPL AGH on Internet-related resolutions(Res 101, Res 102, Res 133, 
> Res 180, and new proposals)
> Status:Ad hoc closed. Texts to be considered by WGPL on Monday 
> afternoon. Status of texts as of Nov 2 is availablehere 
> <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S14-PP-141020-DL-0011%21R9%21MSW-E.pdf>(updated 
> text from Nov 3 not yet online).
> Highlights:
>  *
>     Compromise text was reached on all Internet-related resolutions,
>     with minor revisions, some slight improvements, and a limited
>     concession on the side of the US/Europe to acknowledge more
>     explicitly the role of the ITU in Internet-related issues
>     (particularly in Res 102);
>  *
>     It was also agreed that the ITU should take a more conservative
>     approach to opening up the CWG Internet. On that point, it was
>     agreed that CWG Internet will hold open consultations on various
>     agenda items prior to CWG meetings, but otherwise the doors of the
>     CWG will stay closed to non-Member States;
>  *
>     The 4 newly proposed resolutions have been withdrawn, including
>     the controversial Indian proposal (IND/98), which will
>     nevertheless get a mention in the Chairman's report,
> WGPL AHG on Res 174 (ITU's role with regard to international public 
> policy issues relating to the risk of illicit use of ICTs)
> Status:Ad hoc closed,text 
> <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S14-PP-141020-TD-0043%21%21MSW-E.pdf>agreed 
> by WGPL
> Highlights:
>  *
>     Outcome document has been boiled down to awareness raising and
>     sticking to the ITU’s existing mandate in combatting illicit use
>     of ICTs;
>  *
>     All references to ‘global charter’ related to security of ICTs
>     have been dropped,
> WGPL AHG on WSIS related resolutions (Res 140, Res 172)
> Status:Ad hoc on WSIS reached agreement onRes 140 text 
> <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S14-PP-141020-TD-0048%21%21MSW-E.pdf>, 
> which was subsequently considered and approved by WGPL. Res 172 has 
> been supressed.
> Highlights:
>  *
>     The group decided to supress Resolution 172 (reasons: text seen as
>     out-dated and otherwise covered in Res 140), which was
>     subsequently approved by WGPL.
>  *
>     The agreed text of Res 140 resolves that ITU continues its
>     facilitating role in the WSIS process, subject to UNGA 2015 WSIS
>     Review, and continues being the lead facilitator in relevant WSIS
>     Action Lines as specified in the Tunis Agenda (C2, C5, C6). The
>     resolution encourages the UNGA overall review to take into account
>     ITU’s review of the WSIS, including the outcome doc of WSIS+10
>     High Level Event.
> WGPL AHG on Res 64 (Non-discriminatory access)
> Status:Ad hoc closed, proposed text to be considered by WGPL on Monday 
> afternoon
> Highlights:
>  *
>     It is also worth noting the discussion onResolution 64
>     <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S14-PP-141020-TD-0073%21%21MSW-E.pdf>,
>     which has spurred a stand off between Cuba and others in relation
>     to non-discriminatory access to ICTs. For context, similar
>     discussions have, arguably, led to the break-down of WCIT. It now
>     seems that a compromise text has been found and should be
>     presented to WGPL on Monday afternoon.
> ----
> *Lea Kaspar*
> Development House, 56–64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT
> T: +44 (0)20 7549 033_7_| M: +44 (0)7583 929216| Skype: l.kaspar
> gp-digital.org <http://gp-digital.org/>
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Matthew Shears
Director - Global Internet Policy and Human Rights
Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)
mshears at cdt.org
+ 44 771 247 2987

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