[bestbits] Whether to participate in NETmundial Initiative - RFC

Mwendwa Kivuva Kivuva at transworldafrica.com
Tue Nov 25 06:56:15 EST 2014

On 25 November 2014 at 05:01, Jeremy Malcolm <jmalcolm at eff.org> wrote:
> The CSCG is deliberating upon this now, but based on the discussions on
> this list and the messages given both in favour and against
> participation, the most broadly acceptable option seems for us to
> support that compromise.  But let's see whether the other members of the
> Civil Society Coordination Group (besides JNC) agree on that - if not,
> we will not participate even to the extent of recommending candidates
> who have self-nominated. Either way, we should know by tomorrow and I
> will write back to this list then with more news then

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