[bestbits] POSTnetmundial civil society position

Jeanette Hofmann jeanette at wzb.eu
Sat May 3 06:05:55 EDT 2014

Hi Erik,

I think this is a great idea but I would suggest a slightly different 
approach. As you can see on this list, there has never been consensus, 
neither within nor across civil society boundaries. So, I don't think a 
consensual postnetmundial doc can be done.

What I would find a valuable exercise is documenting the specific 
suggestions made by civil society for each paragraph.
I know that Marilia compiled the comments made on the basis of the first 
draft outcome doc. Marilia's work would provide a very good starting 
point. Further suggestions could be added to her document.


Am 03.05.14 11:55, schrieb JOSEFSSON Erik:
> I was pinged back to the list and encouraged to ask again if it would be
> meaningful to update the official NETmundial text so that *forgotten
> viewpoints* could be made visible again and *skewed language* aligned
> with a POSTnetmundial civil society position.
> I am aware that such post processing work has already been done and that
> what I'm suggesting is basically to do the same work again.
> The difference would simply be the format of the text. If the official
> NETmundial text is reworked to a POSTnetmundial consensus position it
> would be very easy to identify more precisely *"what went wrong"*, e.g.
> with a wikidiff.
> If it is the case (I have understood it is) that, for example, the
> phrase "the rights of authors and creators" has less support than a
> reference to ICESCR has, it would look like this:
>     *NETmundial:*
>     Freedom of information and access to information: Everyone should
>     have the right to access, share, create and distribute information
>     on the Internet, consistent with the *rights of authors
>     *and*creators as established in law*.
>     *POSTnetmundial:*
>     Freedom of information and access to information: Everyone should
>     have the right to access, share, create and distribute information
>     on the Internet, consistent with the *UN International Covenant on
>     Economic, Social* and *Cultural Rights*.
> And that edit would look like this in a wikidiff:
>     http://euwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Sandbox%2FNETmundial&diff=16666&oldid=16665
> And so on, throughout the NETmundial v. POSTnetmundial document.
> Anyone bites? :-)
> It would of course be a challenge to put experiences of procedures and
> representation at NETmundial immediately into practice. But maybe that's
> worth while exercise?
> Best regards.
> //Erik

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