[bestbits] LAST REMINDER! Applications close May 31 - Best Bits steering committee election

Antonio Medina Gómez amedinagomez at gmail.com
Fri May 30 10:44:27 EDT 2014

Dear all,
I would like to nominate Julian Casasbuenas. Colnodo. Colombia

Best regards,

2014-05-30 9:33 GMT-05:00 Valeria Betancourt <valeriab at apc.org>:

> Dear all,
> We would like to nominate Deborah Brown.
> Best,
> Valeria
> El 29/05/2014, a las 22:27, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> escribió:
>   Hi Folks,
> This is a last reminder that nominations close on May 31 – time now to
> send in your nomination if you have not already done so
> To date, the candidates are
> Jeremy Malcolm
> Carolina Rossini
> Andrew Puddephatt
> Nnenna Nwakanma
> Marianne Franklin
> Imran Shah
> So – we still need more candidates.
> Best Bits has done a terrific job for civil society, particularly with its
> pre IGF and pre NetMundial conferences, and its sign on statements. This is
> largely due to the great efforts of last years steering committee. I would
> urge people to put their names forward.
> Ian Peter
>  *From:* Jeremy Malcolm <Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au>
> *Sent:* Friday, May 02, 2014 12:37 AM
> *To:* mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>
> *Subject:* [bestbits] Notice seeking candidates for Best Bits steering
> committee election
>  Dear all,
> As there was general support for the proposed election process that was
> proposed on 10 April, subject to one suggested change (which has been
> made), below is the process that is proposed for the election of the next
> Best Bits steering committee.
>    - Election will be called for 1 June 2014, running for 14 days
>    - Anyone can claim voting rights if they:
>       - have been subscribed to the list for 2 months prior to the
>       election being called; and
>       - agree to the existing statement of objectives (see
>       http://bestbits.net/organizer/best-bits/).
>    - Voting is for each of 5 regional positions (voting for each
>    separately) and 3 non-geographical positions (voting together):
>       - Regions are Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean,
>       Europe, North America/Other
>       - Total 8 positions, but "no candidate" is also an option which may
>       result in fewer positions filled
>    - Candidates can run for a regional position or for a non-geographical
>    position simultaneously, ie. they need not elect for one position or the
>    other.
>    - Votes are counted using a "first past the post" system
>    - It is aimed to achieve a panel of candidates with at least 40% of
>    each gender - if not, the election will be postponed, unless there is a
>    broad consensus amongst all eligible voters to run the election
>    notwithstanding the failure to reach this standard.
>    - Candidates can serve a minimum term of 1 year, maximum of 3 years,
>    with a 1 year gap before reappointment.
>    - Candidacy is open to civil society participants only.
> *Nominations of candidates for election are open from now until 31 May.*
> This can be done by sending an email to the list and/or to the returning
> officer.  Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> has volunteered to act as
> the returning officer for the election.  If there are any objections to Ian
> taking this role, or if anyone else would like to assist Ian, please let us
> know.
> There is no required format for the candidates' statement, however as a
> suggestion, it may be useful to indicate:
>    - Your vision for Best Bits.  What do you think you can contribute on
>    the steering committee?
>    - That you can commit time of up to several hours per week to devote
>    to Best Bits.  This may include facilitating the broader community of
>    participants to organise meetings, draft joint statements or interventions,
>    improve website resources, mediate disputes, etc.  Where do you think your
>    strengths lie?
>    - Familiarity with the existing statement of objectives at
>    http://bestbits.net/organizer/best-bits/ and the draft procedures at
>    http://bestbits.net/wiki/main/procedures/.  (These are not written in
>    stone, but they are a useful guideline to our current practices.)
>    - Anything else that you wish to communicate.
> Thanks for your support as we look forward to receiving a diverse group of
> candidates for our first election.  If you have any questions, please let
> us know.
>      --
> Jeremy Malcolm PhD LLB (Hons) B Com
> Internet lawyer, ICT policy advocate, geek
> host -t NAPTR|awk -F! '{print $3}'
> WARNING: This email has not been encrypted. You are strongly recommended
> to enable encryption at your end. For instructions, see
> http://jere.my/l/pgp.
> ------------------------------
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> -------------
> Valeria Betancourt
> Directora / Manager
> Programa de Políticas de Information y Comunicación / Communication and
> Information Policy Programme
> Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones / Association for
> Progressive Communications, APC
> http://www.apc.org
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Antonio Medina Gómez
Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet
presidencia at acui.co
Skype amedinagomez
Celular 3118689626
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