[bestbits] Re: [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1

John Curran jcurran at istaff.org
Thu May 1 07:46:29 EDT 2014

On May 1, 2014, at 1:51 AM, Kleinwächter, Wolfgang <wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de> wrote:

> What about starting to think about a Net Mundial II in 2019? This would help to keep some of the working mechanism of Net Mundial Sao Paulo alive and give a perspective (and an alterantive to WSIS 10+ and beyond). Net Mundial could become something like the olympics which takes place in a four or five year cycle with the annual world championship (IGF) in between. 

If IGF could very quickly evolve to achieve the same models 
of engagement, and focus, and outcome development, then a 
repeat in 2019 would be wonderful...

If IGF needs more time (for whatever reason) to realize such
improvements, then 5 years is a _very long_ time to expect to 
maintain any momentum.  If you had said 2015 (and succeeding 
years until IGF has evolved accordingly), then we'd be in 
agreement.  It would seem to me that indicating today the plan
for a follow-on NETmundial in 2019 would completely hollow out 
the current momentum and pressure for meaningful IGF reform 
that we've just very successfully created.


Disclaimer: My views alone.

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