[bestbits] Fwd: ICANN News Alert -- Audio Files, Transcripts from Community Calls with ICANN Board Chair and CEO

Fouad Bajwa fouadbajwa at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 08:23:03 EDT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 11:48 AM
Subject: ICANN News Alert -- Audio Files, Transcripts from Community
Calls with ICANN Board Chair and CEO

News Alert


Audio Files, Transcripts from Community Calls with ICANN Board Chair and CEO

19 March 2014

Were you unable to join the community call with ICANN Board Chair
Steve Crocker and ICANN President and CEO Fadi Chehadé on Saturday?
Don't worry that you missed out, because an audio file and transcript
is available online now.

Just under 300 ICANN community members and staff joined the
quickly-scheduled call at 14:00 UTC on Saturday, 15 March to learn
more about the US government's announcement the day before that it
would turn over stewardship of certain Internet technical functions to
the global community.

"It's been a long path leading to [this day]," Crocker said. "And it
will be a long path from here. To borrow words from Churchill, this is
the 'end of the beginning.'"

"This is a moment to celebrate," Chehadé said. "Unfortunately, we have
to move very quickly into the responsibility this entails. This
decision puts us now in an important light. The entire world is
watching. We must engage everyone."

The community call was scheduled with short notice, due to the
unexpected release of the announcement ahead of schedule.

Audio File<http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ntia-20140315-en.mp3> [MP3, 14.0 MB]

[PDF, 172 KB]

Fouad Bajwa
ICT4D and Internet Governance Advisor
My Blog: Internet's Governance: http://internetsgovernance.blogspot.com/
Follow my Tweets: http://twitter.com/fouadbajwa

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