[bestbits] Agenda EMC call March 10

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Mon Mar 10 05:57:41 EDT 2014

Hi everyone,

Agenda for the EMC call starting in about 2 hours. Please let us know if you have any comments about the topics below.  

Over 180 contributions received <http://content.netmundial.br/docs/contribs>. Secretariat will try to produce a zip of all files, I hope with an index (as you can guess from the agenda below, they have a great deal to do.)


1. Expressions of Interest
    a. Conclude decisions about selection criteria and "overbooking rate"
    b. Next steps: launch Registration form, invitation letters for visa.
    c. Follow up to fill eventual vacancies

2. Travel and accommodation support
    a. Report about call for applications
    b. Discussion about selection criteria
    c. Budget and travel operations (invite LOC member)

3. Invitation to Intergovernmental Organizations
   a. Conclude decisions, review contacts
   b. Approve invitation letter

4. Content Contributions
   a. Final report
   b. Status of content processing and synthesis paper production
   c. Eventual chronogram adjust for:
        i. receive the compilation form Secretariat
        ii. produce the draft for HLMC

5. LOC cross-informations
    a. Remote hubs
    b. Budget

6. Review calendar
    a. Eventual activities during ICANN - Singapore
    b. F2F meeting to finish the first draft on content


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