[discuss] [bestbits] Fwd: Heads up on Brazil meeting preparation

Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal jc.nothias at theglobaljournal.net
Wed Jan 8 14:15:16 EST 2014


My report is based upon Lynn Saint Amour statements. It does not come out of personal considerations. The out of the public view is a reality you cannot deny.

Given the nature of the Internet, (no one owns the Internet, and all that bla-bla), it is amusing to finally come to a point where we suddenly have a grouping coordinating ... under the I* naming, appearing to be the governing board, under a direct mandate of the US trade department, and with the financial support of the major players. These meetings should have been publicized much more. And indeed, then, it is no surprise to have this coordination existing.



Jean-Christophe Nothias 
jc.nothias at theglobaljournal.net

Le 8 janv. 2014 à 19:08, John Curran a écrit :

> On Jan 8, 2014, at 6:14 AM, Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal <jc.nothias at theglobaljournal.net> wrote:
>> ...
>> It is amusing to note that thanks to the Montevideo statement, the existence of these meetings has now become a public information - a very-behind-close-doors-meetings!! The I-stars meetings were not publicized before the NSA scandal pressures the I-stars. 
> Jean-Christophe - 
> Your statement above is incorrect - the I* coordination meetings of the past have been 
> generally mundane events, but still reported by each participant as they see fit, e.g. - 
> From <http://www.iab.org/documents/minutes/minutes-2011/iab-minutes-2011-11-30/>
>> 6. Report from the I* Leaders Meeting
>> Bernard, Russ and Olaf attended a meeting of I* leadership in Miami on 29-30 November 2011. The meeting included participants from RIRs, ICANN, ISOC, and the W3C. Discussion topics included interactions with governments and the IANA RFP.
> From: <http://www.nro.net/wp-content/uploads/nro-at-apnic-33.pdf>
>> • NRO workshop in 3-8 February, Miami, Florida – Hosted by ARIN
>> – Concurrent with ICANN/IANA distribution of last 5 /8s 
>> – Met with ICANN, ISOC, IAB & IETF (I*) Executives
> etc.
> Given the nature of the Internet, it shouldn't surprise anyone that the various Internet organizations
> have to coordinate and it's often more efficient to do his together than via many one-on-one meetings.
> Such coordination may not have have been "publicized" (as in press releases) but information about
> their existence of such meetings of the various I* leaders was certainly in the public as noted above,
> and this was well before the Montevideo Statement on the Future of Internet Cooperation.
> FYI,
> /John
> John Curran
> President and CEO

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