[bestbits] RE: [discuss] Full Transparency of the Community Informatics Community

michael gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 04:36:17 EST 2014

Hi Seun,


Thanks for paying such close attention.


With respect to your first question re: 1net and CI, I can only point you to
the following paragraph in Tom's covering letter. I do know that only a few
members of the CI community are currently closely following these
discussions and fortunately several of those were directly involved in the
NomCom process so there was likely internal communication between them
concerning 1net during the NomCom selection process itself which of course,
was not conducted on the open e-list.


Having closely followed the organization of the upcoming meeting in Brazil,
the NomCom's

members added a codicil to their report, recommending that their selectees
also be

charged with interfacing with the 1Net, an entity assisting with organizing
the April 23-23



With respect to your second question, a very significant proportion of CI
community members are from LDC's, including some of the most active. With
respect to the NomCom process, there were candidates from all continents
(except Europe) including Laban Bagui, a Cameroonian currently living in
South Africa (his bio is included in Tom's) report. While he was
unsuccessful in the process Cristian Berrio Zapata, a Columbian currently
living in Brazil was a nominee.  Charles Dhewa from Harare, Zimbabwe
volunteered for and was randomly selected to be on the Nominating committee
itself. (As an aside, could I call your attention to the just released
special issue of the Journal of Community Informatics on Community
Informatics in Southern Africa
<http://ci-journal.net/index.php/ciej/issue/current> .






From: Seun Ojedeji [mailto:seun.ojedeji at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 3:06 PM
To: michael gurstein
Cc: discuss at 1net.org; Adiel Akplogan; bestbits; Civil Society Internet
Governance Caucus - IGC
Subject: Re: [discuss] Full Transparency of the Community Informatics


On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 3:18 AM, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com>

I would like to draw the attention of 1net and others to the full 12 year
history and transparency (and depth, breadth and scope) of the Community
Informatics community and perhaps of particular interest, the most recent
processes for consensus agreement on the Community Informatics Declaration
and the development of our NomCom process.
http://vancouvercommunity.net/lists/arc/ciresearchers .


Not poking and definitely not attempting to judge on which is more
transparent, but i quickly went through the archive from Dec through Jan and
i saw about 3-4 mails relating to 1Net, (one was about the call which was
first made on the 30th Dec and the rest were final report and response). I
wonder what happened between the call and final report. I also note that the
call was for nomination to represent CI, now i am wondering which of the
stakeholders is actually CI.

I had mentioned this during the Giganet process(which received positive
response) and i will say it again to CI; any organisation that intend to
provide a global representation "on behalf" needs to be open and willing to
ensure its nomination process is globally inclusive and not just within its




Seun Ojedeji,
Federal University Oye-Ekiti
web:      http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
Mobile: +2348035233535
alt email:  <http://goog_1872880453> seun.ojedeji at fuoye.edu.ng


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