[governance] RE: [bestbits] Call for Transparency Process for 1Net

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Mon Feb 10 02:16:09 EST 2014

On Monday 10 February 2014 12:23 PM, David Cake wrote:
> On 10 Feb 2014, at 6:16 am, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com 
> <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Precisely what are people afraid of in insisting that 1Net, a 
>> formation that was interposed and interposed itself between “CS” and 
>> the Brazil meeting, make transparent its decision making processes 
>> including in the crucial areas of financial supports and expenditures 
>> and decisions as to inclusions and exclusions.
> I am not afraid at all of 1Net increasing its transparency and 
> accountability mechanisms - on the contrary, that would clearly be a 
> positive outcome. But I am quite afraid that we will spend a much 
> larger amount of time debating the internal functioning of 1net, which 
> at this point is largely a mechanism for dealing with administrative 
> issues to do with a single event, rather than focussing on the 
> substantive policy outcomes of that, and future, events.

This is untrue on both counts. The fact being as below;

(1) The primary purpose of the 1Net is to strongly influence (if not 
actually write) the outcomes of the Brazil meeting (something I have 
been insisting since the very beginning)

(2) The serious 1Net-ers want it to be a standing multistakeholder 
mechanism. So many have explicitly said so on so many lists.

I think one-sided naivete is not the best response for civil society to 
take to all this, which unfortunately seems to be the dominant response. 
(I say one-sided naivete becuase there is hardly any naivete when for 
instance a UN kind of process is involved.)

People in post colonial societies cannot but use colonial analogies to 
understand geo- political situations. The British set up an 
establishment in India 'merely' to facilitate its trade to 'the east'. 
They ended up ruling the country for more than a century. Apologies if 
the analogy is seen as 'too strong' - it is merely to underline the need 
for political foresight...


> Regards
> David

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