[bestbits] Re: [governance] Re: [CoNE-elist 632] Agenda EMC meeting

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Fri Feb 21 11:01:45 EST 2014

Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Parminder, all I know is that this document will be an initial
> input to the meeting. That's all. I have no idea of how the
> discussions in the meeting are going to take place. This was not
> discussed by the EMC and it is hard to predict, I think.

Hi Marilia

At the Paris WSIS+10 there was a draft document provided by UNESCO as
initial input into the process that created the output document. This
initial input got changed to the extent that it was possible, during the
very limited and really quite insufficient amount of time available, to
reach consensus in favor of proposed changes.

If that kind of process is used again, then it is I think quite
plausible to predict that the outcome document would resemble the
“initial input”.

I'd strongly prefer the work of the São Paulo meeting to start not
with a pre-prepared initial draft document, but with a blank slate. The
compilation of contributions is still important of course, but as a
compilation of ideas that the participants of the meeting can draw
upon for proposing additions to the (initially empty) working document.


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