[bestbits] [IGFmaglist] GA 2nd Committee / ICT4D negotiations update

Deborah Brown deborah at apc.org
Thu Dec 11 09:15:51 EST 2014

Hash: SHA512

Thanks Izumi, Nick,

I think the more recent version is available here:
It should be adopted at the committee level this afternoon (NY- time)


On 12/11/14 4:26 AM, Nick Ashton-Hart wrote:
> Thanks Izumi.
> For those interested, the most recent easily accessible version is
here: http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/C.2/69/L.11
>> On 10 Dec 2014, at 18:02, Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org
<mailto:iza at anr.org>> wrote:
>> Some of you may already know but still want to share this here.
>> izumi
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Vyacheslav Cherkasov <cherkasov at un.org <mailto:cherkasov at un.org>>
>> Date: 2014-12-10 1:56 GMT+09:00
>> Subject: Re: [IGFmaglist] GA 2nd Committee / ICT4D negotiations update
>> To: igfmaglist-bounces at intgovforum.org
<mailto:igfmaglist-bounces at intgovforum.org>, Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org
<mailto:Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>
>> Dear All,
>> I would like to inform and share with you that the representatives of
the Member- States have concluded informal discussions of the draft UN
resolution  A/C.2/69/L.11 on Information and communications technologies
for development.
>> It was an extremely challenging discussion process with many formal
and informal consultations on ICT4D including a possible extension of
the IGF mandate.  The draft has more references on the significant role
of IGF than in the 2013 Resolution and acknowledges the importance of
the IGF and its mandate  as a forum for multi-stakeholder dialogue on
various matters, including public policy issues related to key elements
of Internet governance and its role in building partnerships among
different stakeholders, including through national and regional
>> The Resolution welcomes the offer of Mexico to host the next meeting
of the IGF 2016, and recommends that the extension of the mandate of the
IGF be considered in the context of the overall review in 2015. 
>> The resolution also recalls the GA resolution 68/302 on the
“Modalities for the overall review by the General Assembly of the
implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information
Society” and welcoming the High Level Meeting of the UNGA in December 2015.
>> Please find below  the para 17 of the draft resolution relating the
IGF mandate for your info. Once the resolution is adopted, we will share
it with you. best, slava
>> 17. Welcomes with appreciation the offer made by Mexico to host the
next meeting of the Internet Governance Forum in 2016, and recommends
that the extension of the mandate of the IGF be considered in the
context of the overall review in 2015 [adopted ad ref], 
>> -------
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