[bestbits] [governance] Re: NMI and the Brazilian CGI.br

William Drake wjdrake at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 05:12:18 EST 2014

If people wanted to do some politics on which there could be broad agreement, responding to the right wing campaign in the US against the transfer of IANA stewardship from the US to the global community might be worth considering.  This has become increasingly salient with the recent US election and is widely seen on the net.  For a choice example, see the nut campaign being waged on the pages inter alia of the Wall Street Journal, e.g. below.  Why not submit a letter or op-ed?

Halfway to Wrecking Internet Freedom: To forestall censorship by authoritarian governments, the White House must renew the Icann contract. [subscription maybe required]
We’re at the midpoint between the Obama administration’s March announcement that it would end U.S. protection of the open Internet and September 2015, when the change is supposed to happen. During this time, there has been no progress finding an alternative for protecting the Internet from authoritarian governments.
<http://online.wsj.com/articles/gordon-crovitz-halfway-to-wrecking-internet-freedom-1417387404 <http://online.wsj.com/articles/gordon-crovitz-halfway-to-wrecking-internet-freedom-1417387404>>


> On Dec 2, 2014, at 8:07 AM, Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh at hserus.net> wrote:
> The problem is that your theoretical model is an artificial construct, one that exists only in your own little clique of people and bears little or no semblance to actual neo liberalism.
> This random repurposing of existing terms in economics and international relations into terms of vilification doesn't constitute any theory that I am aware of.
> And people are trying to get work done here and not play politics. In case it escaped your attention 
> On December 2, 2014 12:32:39 PM parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
>> On Tuesday 02 December 2014 12:17 PM, Avri Doria wrote:
>>> On 02-Dec-14 07:38, parminder wrote:
>>>> Neoliberalism is defined as the application of market principles to everything, including those areas in which such principles are not normally applied. The above is a perfect case of the application of market principles to governance, as I said , the pristine neoliberal governance model. 
>>> You may feel it is your privilege to villify others by tarring and feathering them with the vile label of neoliberalism sometimes and imperialism at other times. 
>> See, here precisely lies the problem. I did nothing other than analytically describe the affinity of a particular case in point, the NM Initiative, and the CS support to it, with a theoritical model called neoliberalism. Now, it is possible to point to deficiency in my equation or argument, but call it vilification!!! One could reject that the NMI and CS support for it does not further neoliberal model of governance, or, as Milton does, own up the neoliberal model of Internet governance, but I do not really see the vilification here. And again I associated the term with a particular model and a set of political actions around it,  and not to any individual behaviour for it to be called as vilification. In fact this whole thread begun with wrongly labelling political criticism as vilification. Such personalisation of a political dialogue takes us nowhere, and makes it difficult to continue with it. 
>> parminder 
>>> I accept that you do so, yet I reject the label you apply to me.
>>> I generally do not support market principles, but rather believe in the tussle among those with different set of principles.
>>> avri
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William J. Drake
International Fellow & Lecturer
  Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
  University of Zurich, Switzerland
Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency, 
  ICANN, www.ncuc.org
william.drake at uzh.ch (direct), wjdrake at gmail.com (lists),

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