[bestbits] IGF Kick-off Sunset Rooftop Social

Gigi Alford Alford at FreedomHouse.org
Thu Aug 21 06:40:58 EDT 2014

Hi all,

It would be a pleasure to have members of the Best Bits network join us at the Freedom House-hosted informal IGF kickoff social event on Monday, Sept. 1, near the convention center.

When: 19:00-21:00 Monday, September 1
Where: Rooftop at Mama Shelter Istanbul, 50-54 Istiklal Caddesi.
RSVP: Here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kQSr_nqv2FpnIluQAeGbRrOYHqgoTcA2Eb0l0XXseGE/viewform>

Attached is a flyer with more details. Feel free to circulate widely. There is no set program, so participants should feel free to drop in as their schedule allows. Please be sure to RSVP soon so we know how many guests to plan for.

We'll also be handing out copies of Freedom House's new special report for the IGF, The Struggle for Turkey's Internet.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or Nate Schenkkan, schenkkan at freedomhouse.org<mailto:schenkkan at freedomhouse.org>.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple week's time!

Best regards,
Gigi Alford

Senior Program Officer
Internet Freedom Program
Freedom House

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