[bestbits] Civil society response to NETmundial 2014 outcome text open for endorsement

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Wed Apr 30 07:31:52 EDT 2014

On Apr 25, 2014, at 7:24 PM, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:

> I haven't endorsed it either for the same reason.

Would have been nice to know who Niels was speaking for -- gave the impression of civil society broadly.  Who asked for the opportunity to speak and who did they say they represented?    


> -- 
> Jeremy Malcolm PhD LLB (Hons) B Com
> Internet lawyer, ICT policy advocate, geek 
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> On 25 Apr 2014, at 7:20 am, Andrew Puddephatt <Andrew at gp-digital.org> wrote:
>> I think this is much too negative and fails to reflect the amount of positive agenda and genuinely good things that came out of the whole process.  I can’t support this statement 
>> Andrew Puddephatt
>> Global Partners Digital
>> Andrew at gp-digital.org
>> Tel mobile +44 (0)771 339 9597 
>> Tel office   +44 (0)207 549 0350
>> From: Jeremy Malcolm <Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au>
>> Reply-To: Jeremy Malcolm <Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au>
>> Date: Friday, 25 April 2014 01:44
>> To: "<bestbits at lists. net>" <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>
>> Subject: [bestbits] Civil society response to NETmundial 2014 outcome text open for endorsement
>> The following initial response to the NETmundial 2014 outcome text was agreed in the room at NETmundial by about 25 civil society representatives and was read out in the session by Niels ten Oever from Article 19.  If you are in agreement, please endorse and share:
>> http://bestbits.net/netmundial-response
>> This need not prevent the development of a more substantive civil society response later.
>> -- 
>> Jeremy Malcolm PhD LLB (Hons) B Com
>> Internet lawyer, ICT policy advocate, geek
>> host -t NAPTR|awk -F! '{print $3}'
>> WARNING: This email has not been encrypted. You are strongly recommended to enable encryption at your end. For instructions, see http://jere.my/l/pgp.
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