[bestbits] NETmundial: ICANN globalisation and IANA oversight

Geetha Hariharan geetha at cis-india.org
Thu Apr 24 10:29:31 EDT 2014

Paragraphs 25-29 of the NETmundial Draft Outcome document (as it stands
now), on matters of institutional improvements, calls for an open
process with the participation of all stakeholders, leading to a bottom
up, open and participatory nature of those policy development processes
and ensure the stability and resilience of the Internet.

As the debate on the principles and roadmap at NETmundial continues, the
following analysis on ICANN globalisation and IANA stewardship by
Smarika Kumar at India's Centre for Internet and Society may throw some

Smarika comprehensively compiles and analyses NETmundial contributions
dealing with ICANN globalisation and accountability, and maps the
process for IANA stewardship transition.



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