[bestbits] For endorsement: Civil society proposals for amendments to the NETmundial outcome document

Carolina Rossini carolina.rossini at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 20:42:42 EDT 2014

Joana on carols email: we need to think and brainstorm more on the way
forward. Suggestions?
On Apr 23, 2014 8:52 PM, "Jeremy Malcolm" <Jeremy at malcolm.id.au> wrote:

> Here are the proposals that representatives who were present at the civil
> society meeting in Sao Paulo have just finalised, representing a set of
> proposals that were discussed at the meeting and seemed to have broad
> agreement.  This forms the basis of interventions that have been made
> today, and will be made tomorrow, but civil society representatives here at
> NETmundial 2014:
> http://bestbits.net/netmundial-proposals/
> Whether or not you were present, you are encouraged to endorse these
> proposals if you generally agree with them, to add weight to them when they
> are considered by the chairs and advisors in the drafting session that
> begins tonight.  Therefore, the sooner you can endorse, the better.
>  Apologies again for the short notice and urgency (which seems to be a
> pattern for NETmundial), and thanks to those who put a lot of hard work
> into writing it (including Joana, Niels, Matthew, Deborah, Valeria, Danny
> and others).
> --
> Jeremy Malcolm PhD LLB (Hons) B Com
> Internet lawyer, ICT policy advocate, geek
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