[bestbits] Summary of comments - NETmundial secretariat

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Tue Apr 22 14:19:08 EDT 2014


The secretariat has produced a summary of comments. <http://netmundial.br/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/NETmundialPublicConsultation-FinalReport20140421.pdf>

Final report on comments of the Draft Outcome Document is available

W3Chttp://netmundial.br/blog/2014/04/22/final-report-on-comments-of-the-draft-outcome-document-is-available/April 22, 2014 

NETmundial Executive Secretariat consolidated 1.370 comments received, between April 15th and 21st, in one single report that now is available for public consultation. The total of these remarks were shared in Introduction (40), Principles (832) and Roapmap (498).

During seven days, commenters were invited to provide their name, their preferred email address and the sector to which they thought they belonged to in the capacity of commenting. NETmundial used no validation system to verify the identity of the commenter. This report and, most importantly, the comments themselves, should be read in light of this information.

The comment system was locked down on 12:00pm UTC. After that, NETmundial’s Data Team took the final snapshot of the database with all the comments and their relevant information and produced the summary report, available in .pdf format for download through the link below.

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