[Final draft for final comments] Letter to Pres. Rousseff Re: [bestbits] [governance] Dilma Rousseff's speech at UN

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Wed Sep 25 22:38:28 EDT 2013


I find this to be a good statement.  I think it is important to bring out the mention of participatory democracy of multiple stakeholder groups that are only ambiguously and secondarily included in the President's speech and to do so without  being bombastic or critical about it.  I think it was done well and in a way that hopefully represents a compromise between those in civil society that seem to abjure the multistakeholder model and those who still see it as the only path, though perhaps not a golden path but a rocky road.


On 25 Sep 2013, at 21:44, Joana Varon wrote:

> Dear all, 
> Please, find a reduced version below. We are closing the pad now to avoid more crazy joined editing processes. Thanks for all the contributions.
> Let's receive final comments about very punctual changes or major disagreements and gaps until tomorrow (Thursday) 9:00 am (Brazilian time). Then collect endorsements through out the day. 
> Deadline for signatures will be this Thursday night, let's say 22:00, also Brazilian time. So Carlos can deliver it in hand to President Dilma. 
> thanks once again,
> joana
> Letter from International Civil Society Organizations to President Dilma Rousseff in support of her statement at the 68th Session of the UNGA 
> Your Excellency,
> We, the undersigned organizations and individuals from around the world, committed to the development of the Internet and its use for advancing social and economic justice, would like to express our strong support for the statement delivered this week by your Excellency at the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. We commend you for taking a leading role on these issues and would like to:
> 1. Fully endorse the five principles enunciated on the occasion, in clear accordance with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee's Principles for the Governance and Use of the Internet.
> 2. Stress the importance of the timely adoption of the Brazilian Draft Bill of Internet Rights (Marco Civil da Internet) in a way that upholds these principles.
> 3. Commend the courage of Brazil in expressing disapproval and demanding explanations from the USA about the procedures of illegal interception of  information and data, framing it as a grave violation of human rights and of civil liberties
> 4. Reinforce our support for an extension into broader spheres of Internet Governance of the experiences from the Brazilian multistakeholder model of Internet governance, led by CGI.br, which comprises representatives from Government, Scientific and Technology Community, private sector and Civil Society on an equal footing.
> We express our deep appreciation for your serious commitment to social justice and development, of which an open, stable, and reliable Internet is a fundamental pillar.
> Signatories:
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 3:35 AM, Diego Rafael Canabarro <diegocanabarro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ian is helping Joanna and me in drafting this reduced optimal version. : )
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 10:33 PM, Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh at hserus.net> wrote:
> Agree. Stick to the first paragraph and we are all set. 
> --srs (htc one x)
> On 26 September 2013 6:14:04 AM "Louis Pouzin (well)" wrote:
>> Agree with Ian. This parag is all that matters.
>> Louis
>> - - -
>> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:03 AM, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:
>> Ive just looked again at this and it is getting longer and at the same time worse.
>> I think it needs a very substantial edit. Any more than two paragraphs and the chance of it being read is meagre.
>> To be honest, I think no more than this is necessary. – the first paragraph
>> We, the undersigned organizations and individuals from around the world, committed to the development of the Internet and its use for advancing social justice, would like to express our strong support for the statement delivered this week by your Excellency at the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. 
>> (reference the speech if you wish for those who would like to read more, but dont repeat it, interpret it, and elaborate on it).
>> And specifically I dont think we need to talk post Snowden, and demand apologies from the USA. That ain’t going to happen.
>> Ian Peter
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> -- 
> Joana Varon Ferraz
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