[governance] RE: [bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world event on Internet governance in 2014

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Thu Oct 10 09:10:50 EDT 2013

McT, maybe you should watch the video a few times more... :)


On 10/10/2013 09:57 AM, McTim wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 11:50 PM, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why so pessimistic and cynical everyone.. I may be wrong but this isn't just
>> about ICANN, although hats off to Fadi for getting this going and putting
>> that into play…
> I'm not pessimistic or cynical.
>> But I would be extremely surprised if the Pres. of Brazil is going to invite
>> the world to Rio in April next year to discuss names and numbers. Rather my
>> reading is that she is by-passing the quite evident log-jam at the ITU, the
>> frivolities of the IGF, the now discredited "Internet Freedom" crusade and
>> the status quo which it was intended to cast into concrete errr… (non) rules
>> and regs.
> It appears to me, after watching the video again several times that it
> is ICANN (and I assume the rest of the Montevideoans) that are
> spearheading this.  In other words the idea of the Summit comes from
> the T&A folks, not Brasilia.

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