[bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world event on Internet governance in 2014
Joana Varon
joana at varonferraz.com
Wed Oct 9 18:34:43 EDT 2013
Very interesting and very crazy (in a good way, I guess).
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Lee W McKnight <lmcknigh at syr.edu> wrote:
> Waiting for any UN process is not the way things like this happen.
> Brazil + ICANN = critical mass for a next phase process. Agenda-setting
> moment was President Rousseff at UNGA, for a new game which will reference
> those already played but need not be limited to process, schedule, or terms
> of prior phases.
> UN orgs will of course be invited and can participate, and the President
> will work around existing UN schedules to extent feasible, but boxing the
> new thing into the old schedule is probably not what was just agreed.
> My 2 cents of veteran but perhaps off-base global policy process
> assessment.
> Lee
> ------------------------------
> *From:* bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net [
> bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net] on behalf of Joana Varon [
> joana at varonferraz.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 09, 2013 5:59 PM
> *To:* Carlos A. Afonso
> *Cc:* bestbits at lists.bestbits.net> < governance at lists.igcaucus.org;
> NCSG List
> *Subject:* Re: [bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world
> event on Internet governance in 2014
> I was a bit puzzled in terms of UN processes. Could it be the red
> interrogation mark on our visualization map?
> http://bestbits.net/wp-uploads/diagram.html
> I mean, does she has to wait for Sharm el Sheik meeting on the WSIS+10
> process? Or we can have a summit completely independent? During MPP phase 2
> meeting this week it was evident that Brazil wanted a high level event
> after sharm el sheik, but I didnt envision a Summit coming and I wonder if
> both processes will be connected.
> On Oct 9, 2013 6:46 PM, "Carlos A. Afonso" <ca at cafonso.ca> wrote:
>> [sorry for possible duplicate posts]
>> Dear people
>> Here is the Google Translate English version (I did some editing) of the
>> official report on the meeting between President Rousseff and ICANN's
>> President and CEO Fadi Chehadé, which just happened.
>> The original version in Brazilian Portuguese is at the end.
>> fraternal regards
>> --c.a.
>> http://convergenciadigital.uol.com.br/cgi/cgilua.exe/sys/start.htm?infoid=35107&sid=4&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#.UlXEbbOm1q8
>> Brazil will host world event on Internet governance
>> From the editor :: Convergência Digital :: 09/10/2013
>> Brazil will host the meeting in 2014 to discuss the necessary changes to
>> Internet governance. After meeting with the president of the Internet
>> Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann, its acronym in
>> English), Fadi Chehadé, President Dilma Rousseff agreed to meet global
>> leaders from different sectors interested in the topic.
>> According to Chehadé, the world counts on Brazil's leadership on this
>> issue, after President Dilma Rousseff spoke at the opening of the 68th
>> UN General Assembly, held in September in the United States. "The world
>> heard the Brazilian president, who spoke with deep conviction, with
>> great courage, and expressed the frustration that many people around the
>> world feel about the fact that the trust relationship we have with the
>> Internet had been broken,"said, revealing that the speech by Dilma was
>> the motivation of his proposal for their meeting.
>> Chehadé cited allegations of espionage involving the communication of
>> Brazilian authorities and citizens, among them the very president,
>> Petrobras and the Ministry of Mines and Energy. "I came to ask the
>> president to elevate her leadership to a new level, to ensure that we
>> can all get together around a new model of governance in which all are
>> equal," he said. The president of Icann said that future decisions on
>> how leaders can manage the internet should be based on the principles of
>> the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet in Brazil which is going
>> through the National Congress.
>> Fadi Chehadé was yesterday (Oct.7th) with Communications Minister Paulo
>> Bernardo, to ask for help from Brazil to start discussions about changes
>> in the governance of the Internet, and said that the arrangements should
>> begin this year. According to him, the need for a new governing body of
>> the Internet requires the involvement of multiple actors, not just the
>> government.
>> "I understand that the internet has a new feature that requires active
>> participation by governments, their respective agencies within the
>> United Nations, but also in the context of users, civil society, the
>> technicians, who after all make the Internet work," Chehadé defended.
>> For the president of the corporation, academics and industrialists need
>> to participate in the debate, as they reflect on rights and carry out
>> the management of the Internet infrastructure.
>> The president of Icann said telecommunications companies must also
>> attend the conference."They are integral part of the family with which
>> we must work," he said. According to Paulo Bernardo, President Dilma
>> agreed that changes in network governance must occur multilaterally and
>> with the participation of all actors who engage the internet, and said
>> that "we must not allow economic, political and religious interests to
>> interfere in the free circulation of ideas." The minister said that the
>> suggestion of the president is that the event be held in April 2014 in
>> Rio de Janeiro.
>> Source : Agência Brazil
>> -------- original in pt-br -------------
>> O Brasil vai sediar em 2014 o encontro para discutir as mudanças
>> necessárias para a governança da internet. Após se encontrar com o
>> presidente da Corporação da Internet para Atribuição de Nomes e Números
>> (Icann, na sigla em inglês), Fadi Chehadé, a presidenta Dilma Rousseff
>> concordou em reunir líderes globais de diferentes setores interessados
>> no tema.
>> De acordo com Chehadé, o mundo conta com a liderança brasileira nesta
>> questão, depois que a Presidenta Dilma Rousseff discursou na abertura da
>> 68ª Assembleia Geral da ONU, ocorrida em setembro nos Estados Unidos. “O
>> mundo ouviu a Presidenta brasileira, que falou com profunda convicção,
>> com muita coragem, e externou a frustração que muitas pessoas, em todo
>> mundo, sentiam com o fato de que a confiança havia sido quebrada que
>> temos com relação à internet”, disse, revelando que o discurso de Dilma
>> foi a motivação da sua proposta para o encontro.
>> Chehadé citou as denúncias de espionagem envolvendo a comunicação de
>> autoridades e cidadãos brasileiros, dentre eles a própria presidenta, a
>> Petrobras e o Ministério de Minas e Energia. “Vim solicitar à presidenta
>> que elevasse sua liderança a um novo nível, de modo a assegurar que
>> todos possamos nos reunir em torno de um novo modelo de governança, em
>> que todos sejamos iguais”, afirmou. O presidente da Icann disse que as
>> futuras decisões sobre como os líderes poderão gerir a internet devem
>> ter como base os princípios do marco civil brasileiro, que tramita no
>> Congresso Nacional.
>> Fadi Chehadé esteve anteontem (7) com o ministro das Comunicações, Paulo
>> Bernardo, a fim de pedir ajuda do Brasil para iniciar os debates sobre
>> mudanças na governança da internet, e disse que as articulações devem
>> começar este ano. Segundo ele, a necessidade de um novo órgão gestor da
>> internet passa pela participação de múltiplos atores, não só do governo.
>> “Entendo que a internet tem um novo recurso, que exige participação
>> ativa por parte dos governos, dos seus respectivos órgãos no âmbito das
>> Nações Unidas, mas também no âmbito dos usuários, da sociedade civil,
>> dos técnicos, que afinal de contas fazem a internet funcionar”, defendeu
>> Chehadé. Para o presidente da corporação, os acadêmicos e industriais
>> precisam participar do debate, pois refletem sobre o direito e fazem a
>> gestão da infraestrutura da internet.
>> O presidente da Icann disse que as empresas de telecomunicações devem
>> também participar da conferência. “Elas são parte integrante da família
>> com a qual precisamos trabalhar”, afirmou. Segundo Paulo Bernardo, a
>> presidenta Dilma concordou que as mudanças na governança da rede devem
>> ocorrer de forma multilateral e com a participação de todos os atores
>> que se envolvem a internet, e disse que não se pode “permitir que
>> interesses econômicos, políticos e religiosos interfiram na livre
>> circulação das ideias”. O ministro informou que a sugestão da presidenta
>> é que o evento ocorra em abril de 2014 no Rio de Janeiro.
>> fonte: Agência Brasil
Joana Varon Ferraz
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